Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Three Frauds similarities between Al Gores global warming con the covid scam and Ws 911 fraud of the century-  Our fotmer Potus implicated himself in the crime by telling everybody not to entertain outrageous conspiracies-

A real Potus would ask questions himself and actually share his concern w/ us-- The fbi is complicit in the crime- lawyers are suing- Why not divulge all of the evidence- Lets look at these three individuals-

Gore- W- and now China Joe who shakes hands w/ the air- If China Joe had any integrity he would have stepped down by now- Its an insult to we the people to have this feeble muzzled dog at the helm- It was bad enough he weaseled his way into office after a dubious election-

How did he get so popular so quickly all in a matter of hours because inquiring people want to know- He doesn't know even what  day it is therefore out of respect for us he should step down- We are not running some charity case he is supposed to be our Potus of the natural free world- We need a strong leader w/ proper mental acuity- It shows ego problems that he would choose himself over we the people- A pathetic leader who did nothing but try to scare us all into submission over a casedemic rigged pcr test con alleged epidemic its existence still hasn't been proven beyond  a reasonable doubt

As far as weasels and frauds are concerned lets take a look at who is involved in both the 9-11 commission as well as covid commission- very similar liars and thieves Kissinger- Zeiclown the list goes on- 



Friday, April 22, 2022

Above The Law

 The fbi stands down for major crimes and gives the finger to we the people but then goes overboard for non crimes like sleepy creeps daughters diary- Violation of the privacy protection act unlawful secret warrants overzealous predawn raids against investigative journalists-

Wasting tax payers money and not doing their job when they are needed most and then tries to intimidate harass make weak at the knees ethical investigative outlets for a non crime what is wrong w/ this picture?  fbi is an embarrassment slimy Comey the list goes on-

Real criminals are going to find something out much sooner rather then later- No bank is too big to fail no ship is unsinkable and nobody is above the law


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Lack Of Candor

 Whats the latest- Lets see creepy feds spying on James Okeefe-Project Veritas- There is a certain part of our intel apparatus fbi that hasn't been straightened out since the weirdo J Edgar days- Speaking of cross dressers did you here about Rudy coming out of the cake endorsing his son into politics-

The man who thinks Kissinger is such a swell sharp guy- Looks like the food shortages have started.  Why and how would somebody talk about politics like it was some kind of noble enterprise- Our systems have utterly failed us but they keep focus sing on the same snakes that got us here-

We cant rely on the people that dug the ditch and then buried us w/ it to get us out- The same slimy newsfeeds-  Sleepy Creep over and over- The right is trying to convince us that its all the dems fault-  Standing down for major crimes- Comey slithered his way into the intel apparatus giving the queen of the cartel a free pass- A total middle finger to we the people- The fbi has a plethora of questions to answer- unethical lack of candor-

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Covid Fraud

It is looking more and more likely that COVID-19 is and was just seasonal flu, blown out of proportion by government and health officials in partnership with drug companies. All had much to gain from a worldwide pandemic, and no interest in the impact of such a hoax on people. The individuals behind this are criminals who must be brought to justice in order to restore the rule of law and protect people from another similar debacle in the future.( Pam Poppers chronicle)

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Booze And Dope

 I dont rob from the rich and give to the poor- I take from the weak and give to the strong- Darius Walker- If god created whiskey so the Irish wouldn't rule the world she also created dope so it would ruin the world-

In order for something to be saved it has to be almost ruined first- The feds used to poison the booze during prohibition- apparently they wanted to  kill  people more then they were already killing themselves-

How do sociopaths slip through the cracks- The Richard Sacklers of our world- No remorse, didn't do anything wrong- apparently the courts dont think he is so bad either- Lets see double the dose- safe and effective, less then 1 percent chance of getting addicted, break thru pain- pseudo addiction the list goes on-