Friday, February 25, 2022

Hungry Ghost

 Sean Ryan was on the teams as well as a cia contractor- He is a humble warrior and saw through the rich miserable angry men who just want to achieve more- Thats the difference where it pays to be a winner and that doesn't mean just how rich you are-

Its about interdependence and empowerment not survival of the fittest-  When we are spiritually fit then we can attack but only in a healthy way not in a dysfunctional hungry ghost way of doing things- The hungry ghost always needs more and is never satiated- That is why I am not so sure about our former Potus- There was a book written called Never Enough which demonstrated his pursuit of power in its many forms- What is that so he is greedy and litigious lets be honest about it- I heard he doesn't like dogs either if this is true its definitely not looking too good for him- That is one of the reasons why the msm relentlessly attacked him on a regular basis--  He left himself open for it malignant narcissist the whole 9 yards 

Saturday, February 12, 2022

We The People

 I find it strange that the supposed leader of the natural free world wears a black muzzle and talks about how we should follow the science- I wonder who is pulling China Joes strings- Maybe the same people that got him elected even thou Potus Trump would have won in a landslide- Who are his handlers that lead him around like a muzzled dog-

 If tech companies and their digital drug lords arent bad enough by getting kids hooked on social media when it comes to pertinent info they have a tendency to censor it all- Lets see what are they culpable of- exaggerated death counts- case numbers and infection rates causing fear and panic for the seasonal flu and put many people on the unemployment line- Conning us about Asymptomatic virus transmission and a rigged pcr test not to mention masks are completely worthless-

How many shots do we need and kids need masks and shots this is a criminal operation-  China Joe doesn't represent we the people-

Thursday, February 10, 2022

ALL Rise

Judges have an often-abused privilege called “judicial discretion.” This gives them great latitude over the conduct of a case, including
summary judgments and motions to dismiss.

Generally, given enough time, a group of unscrupulous lawyers can concoct a way to convict a ham sandwich.

Once a judge absolves a criminal defendant of a crime in a motion to dismiss or summary judgment (pre-trial rulings), it is very difficult to overcome such a ruling under “Res Judicata.” All you can do is appeal.

However, if a corrupt judge is assigned to the appeal, the chances of seeing justice are nil. The U.S. Supreme Court takes very few appeals once you have lost your Circuit Court appeal.-AIM4TRUTH- 


We will not all rise for judges known to be corrupt- These corrupt individuals had a 95% coercion rate getting everybody to muzzle up everywhere we went and tried to have their brain washers warn  us that if we didn't muzzle up their would be draconian penalties- Dont confuse dissent w/ disloyalty- We arent going to all rise for a corrupt system that needs to be abolished- 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Our Sober Team

 Welcome to Our Sober Team where we have to  give it all up in order to have everything- The only easy day wasn't yesterday but rather today because one did all the hard work up until this point- When we surrender to win that is victory because it pays to be a winner. Sometimes we have to go to and through hell in order to get to the other side- If the rooms are the last house on the block this is when life really begins.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Dynamic Duo

 I wasnt a judge wapner guy nor judge judy its more like Judge Jeanne and  Megyn Kelly is no joke either- I dont want to listen to some condescending judge who basically yells at people over cases like the neighbors cat got stuck up their tree.

 Judge Jeannine is lady liberty, she talks about real international Rico crimes- She cut her teeth in high crime violent Westchester county as the DA- Megyn Kelly addresses hard core criminals like Richard Sackler- Danny strong thinks Sackler is a sociopath- Judge Jeanine stated that Adam schiff was a a sack of schiff- I believe sackler to be a sack of you know what as well-

Its good prime time tv didn't work out for megyn because lets face it she is way too smart for that- prime time tv is more for the jerry springer price is right crowd- These people arent the back row just mindless zombies collecting disability from a broken system that encourages china joe laziness while the oligarchs collects all of the wealth-

The back row are the heart and soul of America- hardworking middle class always  good with their hands and have been known to fire a weapon or two- They are not afraid of their own shadows and definitively not afraid of some bogus boogie man virus-

The cove idiot zombie crowd likes to make up stories ambulance chase and try to get fired just to collect unemployment- The back rows parents all fought in the great war and are spin offs of the greatest generation- Today's zombie crowd likes to wear muzzles stare at their dumb phone look like criminals and then play x box thug games where the better criminal you are the mote points you actually score-