I find it interesting that the late not so great war mongers arent able to provide us w/ dying declarations- You know the Chain gang crowd- Rumsfeld and Powell- The fabricated intel where Donny Boy bypassed the cia in order to create the GWOT and reasons to go into Iraq-
These puppet masters need to get it straight- they have an obligation to we the people not their Lockheed Martin Shareholders- Official Secrets Act- a brave and heroic young woman couldn't get prosecuted because that would spill the beans- Powell told us that he was certain wmds were had- In the real world people get fired and criminally charged but w/ the Chain gang crowd which includes Tony Blair they just get promoted instead
Afghanistan- boondoggle typical example they spend half a billion dollars on aircraft that didn't even work for their country- In the real world and in ep work due diligence advance teams are used- homework etc How can you figure out after the fact that aircraft wont work for the country- The more they spent the more they made and to make matters even worse they used a dementia idiot ro make the final call-
How to embarrass the US and disgrace our warriors- That was China Joe- This is the war monger and vaccine fascist who was pro Iraq war and then threw the bw warriors under the bus the first chance he could get- All for political brownie points- The bw contractors never had a fair trial thanks to corruption and withholding exculpatory evidence
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