Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Human All Too Human

 Looks like Bill was human all too human- What do you mean? He wanted to throw a few down on his deathbed what happened to the psychic change? He was also in tight w/ Hux I believe he tripped w/ him, unfortunately the tripping didn't seem to curb his smoking- I know the smoking was a contributor to his somewhat early demise- Tripping has been known to help smokers and dope users- rewires the brain natural detox w/ out the meds-

So one should realize the messenger doesn't overlook the message- That is why so many messengers end up dead too much info- they blame the messenger and overlook the message- Hux predicted the nwo and don't forget the final revolution w/ the psychotropics that is what we are in now-

Tell me about your dream- I dreamt that I got high but actually didn't- I used but didn't feel under the influence- My housemate came over and didn't say anything to me but I knew that he knew what I did ie- body language and that stern look- Ya kind of like the hypocrite meaning that you are the one that is supposedly making sure others dont get high testing etc and then what- kind of like the pot calling well you know the rest

So after multiple years supposedly walking and talking the walk and you used but didn't get high- Ya so I decided to take the 3 day moratorium and then I had a real big decision to make- You see decision  that means its my choice not that we are powerless-Smart Recovery vs AA-  I felt pretty horrible hypocrite using but not getting high now I contemplated if I should really get high 3 days in a hotel-  That is when I woke up

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