Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Sparticus Letter rentier capitalists and ne'erdewells

Friday, October 29, 2021


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Intelligent Design

 if you didn't drink today you are roaring success? Right- Only partially that is akin to possibly living in a crack house and just abstaining from crack- You know what they say about the bees nest and the bar  Anyway one needs a psychic change of sorts and have already made the decision and that is what puts us above the third dimension-

Being dry in between binges was like operating on a very low emf- Getting high and drinking is used to ease the suffering of a tough and brutal world I suppose-  Once we make the decision we realize that the world isn't so brutal and that was the old way of survival of the fittest-

Herbert Spencer supposedly wrote about contempt prior ro investigation in the spiritual experience he also was allegedly the evolutionist so there you have it the best of both worlds-

Human All Too Human

 Looks like Bill was human all too human- What do you mean? He wanted to throw a few down on his deathbed what happened to the psychic change? He was also in tight w/ Hux I believe he tripped w/ him, unfortunately the tripping didn't seem to curb his smoking- I know the smoking was a contributor to his somewhat early demise- Tripping has been known to help smokers and dope users- rewires the brain natural detox w/ out the meds-

So one should realize the messenger doesn't overlook the message- That is why so many messengers end up dead too much info- they blame the messenger and overlook the message- Hux predicted the nwo and don't forget the final revolution w/ the psychotropics that is what we are in now-

Tell me about your dream- I dreamt that I got high but actually didn't- I used but didn't feel under the influence- My housemate came over and didn't say anything to me but I knew that he knew what I did ie- body language and that stern look- Ya kind of like the hypocrite meaning that you are the one that is supposedly making sure others dont get high testing etc and then what- kind of like the pot calling well you know the rest

So after multiple years supposedly walking and talking the walk and you used but didn't get high- Ya so I decided to take the 3 day moratorium and then I had a real big decision to make- You see decision  that means its my choice not that we are powerless-Smart Recovery vs AA-  I felt pretty horrible hypocrite using but not getting high now I contemplated if I should really get high 3 days in a hotel-  That is when I woke up

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Official Secrets

 I find it interesting that the late not so great war mongers arent able to provide us w/ dying declarations- You know the Chain gang crowd- Rumsfeld and Powell- The fabricated intel where Donny Boy bypassed the cia in order to create the GWOT and reasons to go into Iraq-

These puppet masters need to get it straight- they have an obligation to we the people not their Lockheed Martin Shareholders- Official Secrets Act- a brave and heroic young woman couldn't get prosecuted because that would spill the beans- Powell told us that he was certain wmds were had- In the real world people get fired and criminally charged but w/ the Chain gang crowd which includes Tony Blair they just get promoted instead

Afghanistan- boondoggle typical example they spend half a billion dollars on aircraft that didn't even work for their country- In the real world and in ep work due diligence advance teams are used- homework etc How can you figure out after the fact that aircraft wont work for the country- The more they spent the more they made and to make matters even worse they used a dementia idiot ro make the final call-

How to embarrass the US and disgrace our warriors- That was China Joe- This is the war monger and vaccine fascist who was pro Iraq war and then threw the bw warriors under the bus the first chance he could get- All for political brownie points-  The bw contractors never had a fair trial thanks to corruption and withholding exculpatory evidence

The Whistle Blower

 One can use big words to describe it but sometimes its better to just call it for what it is- diabolical scums of the earth that need to get eliminated- That is the sex slave human trafficking crimes that went unpunished- If that wasn't bad enough that region was dealing w/ ethnic cleansing war crimes the very people that were supposed to keep everybody safe were co-conspirators- Leave it to the blue hats corrupt to their core

 They couldn't use the excuse that the war contracts expanded too quickly that there was no way to utilize any oversight because that was before the GWOT

Crony capitalist cowards and the sociopaths who do their dirty work and people that knew girls were getting abused murdered and tortured but did nothing-  Stonewall the investigations-Too much money Dyna Corp- I wonder how much Slick Willy made that was his war- The movie actually downplayed the severity of these heinous crimes against humanity and what really happened Kathryn Bolkovac a brave and heroic woman that was just trying to do her job-

Friday, October 22, 2021


 History is just new people making old mistakes- (Freud-) China Joe is a clown- False Claims Act- How can these pharma hoars make a claim that this vaccine is safe and effective- No real human trials and it takes more then 5 years to vet a vaccine.

 I dont trust some of these new age woo woos who are not anti vax but- Sorry there is no but in there vaccines have done tremendous  harm and this one is going to prove to be no different just wait and see- For this clown who is not in charge who was not even legally elected to make a claim that cops should be fired for refusing a vaccine proves the point.

Our country is in shambles everything the dems touch turns to you know what- Disguising dilapidated cities w/ no end game in sight- San Fran crime epidemic drugs homelessness and this dementia individual wants our cops to get fired- If it was up to China Joe America would be a 4 world banana republic and is pretty much on its way there already-

 Totalitarian censors from these tech criminals who are all in cahoots w/ the big pharma hoars-  Real heroes dont wear masks- Not only that our opiate epidemic was down played while this vaccine brain washing scam was at full force- My question is to duesh Fauci- what new evidence was uncovered from feb 2020- april 2 mo?

That was when masks were useless but then all of the sudden they became a mandated necessity- That is what these mentacide shysters do- They use contradictory conflicting info in an effort to confuse. Trauma based mind control-  Many of the masses have woken up so blowback is going to be quite severe

Boss Universal

 If there was a devil he seemed the boss universal and certainly had me- (Bill W)- Rikers may be hell but Valhala was not much fun either-

 The newbie asked the old timer if he had to stop drinking for the rest of his life- The oldtimer laid it on the line- You dont have long to live anyway at this rate and your cover is blown you have no secrets everybody knows that you are a drunk- You are plenty sick but dont worry you dont have too  many secrets-

 If you want fluff and buff and stitch and bitch make sure the door hits you on the way out- You can go down to iop around the corner and talk about how to beat your upcoming pee test instead.- Johnny's dont work around here either and neither does seroquel- What are Johnnys? That is gabupentin and the rehabs like to dole it out like candy-

 What could be worse then giving drugs to a drug addict and expect them not to get high is that supposed to be a joke- In jail sniffing meds is fairly common- The problem is most of these rehabs wouldn't flourish if they didn't push their drugs   

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Chasing Monsters

 Beware that when fighting monsters you don't become one for when you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you- Nietzsche