Monday, November 30, 2020

We Are Tired Of All Of The Fraud

 They want us to muzzle up and be obsequious in our own country- Communist tactics where the science  and real facts don't seem to back their claims- Fourth world banana republic terrorists who are implementing policy in our country and we are letting them get away with it.

 A scamdemic that they knew about event 201 the whole 9 yards only to set up a brazen mail in ballot scheme- Weirdo Gates lied when he said we are now in uncharted territory-  we didn't plan this.

 Little weasels like the steward tsa idiot who told people to muzzle up on the plane and  instructed the fliers to cut off their oxygen supply otherwise be put on a no fly list- There are  terrorists but very few are we the people- Instead they are gov. bureaucrats who have been trying to push us around for way too long.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Sleepy Creeps World

 In the sleepy creep world corruption is the exception rather then the norm- He threw the 4 bw warriors under the bus just to gain a few political points with one of his partners in crime Hildebeast- Now brave warriors sit behind bars while brazen criminals continue to attempt to destroy America-

 While they thought we were sleeping they just tried to steal an election, Instead it just woke up a sleeping giant where there is a weapon behind every blade of grass- We now live in a Bananas republic where they are trying to scare us with a bogus pcr test with a 97% false positive rate- If that isn't bad enough we have discarded face masks strewn all over our streets garbage to add to all of our  looted and dilapidated cities-

 Even Portugal is more advanced then America at the current moment- They did away with the bogus pcr test because it cant be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that its effective- This is what they are using to shut down cities and for quarantines- The only thing that should be 6 feet apart is the garbage cans that we take out at night-

  These brazen criminals don't mind giving the middle finger to we the people because in their delusional world it doesn't matter who we vote for because they will always decide what is best for us- In Sleepy creeps world thievery is ok especially if it will gain him the oval office- Its gotten to be so bad that just inconsistencies are ok because they will always make the final decision. The house always wins in a totally corrupt rigged system,  Fraud is totally acceptable at the current moment. Fraud vitiates everything and this goes all the way to the supreme court.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Todays Affirmation

 I will check in with myself throughout the day and find out what I am feeling- I will be authentic-" no masks" no walls to hide behind- Rokelle Lerner

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Drumbeat Of Fear

 The only problem or one of the many problems with the fourth world banana republic dictator was that the numbers didn't qualify to announce a pandemic- How was this allowed to happen and now we have a vp who is trying to normalize the abnormal by masking up-

The globalists want us to muzzle up because they don't want to hear what we have to say- It doesn't matter because they are going to be hearing from many of us real soon- What is your take on some of the passages in Covid Operation- Lets break down a few- "It is easier to sell a false story to a population of people if a significant percentage of them cant read or think critically- p-3 And 50% of adults cant read beyond an eighth grade level-

 This may be true however some people have a sixth sense where they don't have do read or write all the time- Many of us know that we are being conned instinctively now more then ever. Infact it may be even better if they don't read the newspapers or watch the news because this is where most of the damage is conducted- Trump derangement syndrome and this is coming from somebody who has a non partisan affiliation- 

  To have a doj and fbi with a political/business agenda is abhorrent-  Secret vaccine courts like fisa where the doj ends up siding with big the pharma cartel it is criminal beyond words can even describe- "Drug companies control physician training and corrupt the very institutions that should have been protecting Americans turning them from regulators to business partners-p5- That says it all right there- I tell you what I am getting sick of these news outlets drumming up this covid bull s every dam second- The drumbeat of fear all based on a hoax I cant wait till it all implodes- The perpetual drum beat of fear where they not once talked about how we need to develop a healthy immune system and that it would be good to be exposed to the virus to develop immunity- A mask is the exact opposite of what we need because this lowers the immune system and creates a hell of a lot more problems then trying to avoid covid where viruses aren't even transmitted from person to person.

 My next question is why did they censor Peggy Halls latest video- Inquiring minds want to know what terms of service she violated- If the MSM didn't have fraudulent stories to harp on every day they have nothing this means that they are nothing- Totally irrelevant and lacking any credibility and or journalistic integrity


Monday, November 23, 2020

Covid Operation

 How does one try to normalize the abnormal? Just ask a globalist and take orders from a terrorist from a fourth world country- How did this happen- We have banana republic morons with no medical or science background calling the shots in our country and then we let them get away with it-

We have terrorist politicians who make up lies about little babies dying of Covid just to try to scare us- That would be the gov of ct who seems to be following in the footsteps of the preceding clown who actually was told something like Sandy Hook was coming-

Then we have the master of deception that creepy weirdo who is salivating to get us all to take his new vaccine- That would be gates who is under investigation for crimes against humanity already-

 We must flatten the curve and normalize the abnormal- Just two weeks kind of like Donny Rumsfeld and how OIF was going to be in and out in a couple of weeks- mission accomplished W style- The New York Times who was once respected printed that there was no voter fraud- How can they make that statement without doing a thorough investigation-

Covid Operation- Pam Popper exposes these cretins for the people that they really are- Not friends of the people infact they are quite the opposite- They have done a superb job of turning America  into a Banana republic with little hopes for the future- We the people aren't into communism and neo feudal globalist propaganda and all of the other garbage they continue to throw at us every day

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Stay In The Light

 Only criminals can devise a scheme that has people dress up and look like thugs and gangsters and then try to normalize this- Its important to stay in the light because once the lights go on this is when the criminal cockroaches get exposed and then try to scurry away,

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Finding Joe

 What's the latest? I had a dream that I was almost run over by somebody in the rooms.  This man was always talking about bliss and Rumi like he was a guru. Anyway it didn't seem like it was planned but it may have been. He came close to wiping out my little black rat.

I had another dream where I went to rehab again even though I was sober. I came back to Greenwich and had to go see the shrink at Greenwich hospital- The next thing I knew I was cuffed by hospital security- Why because you weren't wearing your mask- No it was more like a reeducation process, that was what the rehab was all about-  It was an indoctrination into not buying into anymore conspiracy theories-

Did you get any more therapeutic massage's for your sore body- ya this woman specialized in  mask coercion kind of like eyes wide shut- Sounds interesting- What was your take on Finding Joe- It was basically like acknowledging our true self and not feeling bad about being alive and making a few mistakes along the way-

The issue is that we all should stop living in fear- Our disease is not out in the parking lot doing pushups unless you want it to be- Once we acknowledger our highest self there is never a reason to get high again because that isn't who we really are- Its like after we stop chasing the dragon we must slay the dragon- Chasing the dragon seeking that next shot or hit that will get us through but it never works. It just puts us way below into our lowest self and into perpetual  fear based mode- Once we make the decision to stop chasing the dragon that is when the dragon gets slayed- How does one stop drinking smoking and or shooting dope- The answer is in the question 


Friday, November 13, 2020

While We Were Sleeping

 The democrats mail in ballot fraud is perhaps the greatest systematic crime spree ever implemented- (State Of  The Nation)  While they thought we were sleeping these deep state criminals attempted a crime  that was egregiously brazen and in broad daylight. Premediated fraud and a level of arrogance with blatant contempt and disregard for our sacred electorate process. It was a big middle finger to we the people and all signs are pointing toward foreknowledge. It was in broad daylight because it was planned well in advance. 



Monday, November 2, 2020


Supergirl is made of steel she doesn't bend or break and never backs down- Peggy is our real life Supergirl-