Friday, May 31, 2019

Nation In Chaos

"One just needs a few 5.0 plus earthquakes on the Richter scale to set up a lifetime of tremors and reverberations." What is going on? We have a nation in chaos and a press that does nothing except distract and make up stories. Their is only one honest main stream news outlet and this includes print media.
  For over two plus years we have had yellow journalism and pure propaganda, they are still trying to demonize the movement that wants to address the real issues. I change the channel to CNN  and watch Chris Cuomo with two men yelling over each other about who knows what. A news station that hardly any body watches however  it demonstrates a press that is in chaos. He had no command control over his two guests, it was easy to switch the channel back to the real news.
  We have a print media that is supposed to be liberal and compassionate that is ignoring a real humanitarian crisis on the west coast. People living on the streets, feces and needles everywhere, cops getting typhoid. Dr Drew was pressing the alarm button but still seems to be getting ignored by most. It seems obvious that the goal is to turn our country into fourth world Hoovervilles, this is what is happening with democrat run cities and stand downs at the border. I know what its like to be homeless, the one thing I learned was that the situation wasn't going to go away if it was ignored. If we have only one main stream news outlet with integrity that means that the rest are purposely ignoring the real issues and simply not doing their jobs. For over two plus years it was bogus headache induced yellow journalism and distractions that never went anywhere, just Stormy Daniel type lawyers who turned out to appear as dirty as they come.
  This is happening in our country right now, its a disgrace that there isn't a full court press to help these people in Cal. and Oregon to get back on their feet. god helps those who help themselves but they at least need to be given that chance

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Super Predators

The crime bill of 1994 was a disaster that led to mass incarcerations and ruined countless people and their families lives. Its too bad our former VP fails to acknowledge this. The political pundits, ie- democrats who are supposed do be liberal were not. Draconian measures where thousands of non violent drug offenders went to prison for many years.
  No chance of ever leading a normal life especially after becoming a convicted felon. We cant expect a career politician who didn't do anything as a VP and did even less in the senate to be honest about that much. They weaponized the media with their propaganda campaigns and labeled people (super predators.) They filled the streets with crack cocaine and increased their war on drugs. It started with Nixon and continued on with Reagan, it didn't matter if one was a democrat or a republican, they made a lot of money with the private prisons and did little or nothing for the victims meaning the addicts.
  Politicians rarely if ever have any remorse, that is why they got into politics to begin with.. Hillary used to call some people super predators, getting America all behind their super max prison sentences which were never proven to work effectively in the first place. These drugs are so addictive, crack cocaine, heroin, treating addicts as criminals never worked that well and it never will. The first step is to at least be honest about it. We have a man coming out after eight years as a VP who cant even tell the truth in the beginning of his attempt to become president in an attempt to try to win over the democrats. Its not working with AOC because creepy sleepy Joe is not a leader.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Buddha beads

One must be willing to truly consider evidence that contradicts your beliefs- and admit the possibility that you may be wrong- intelligence isn't knowing everything, its the ability to challenge everything that you know-

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Buy Baby Buy

"buy baby buy this bubble will never burst" What's going on, what is hot off the press?  New York Times investigation- The Taxi medallion scam- Wasn't Michael Cohen involved in that dirty business? Yes- what was Cohen sentenced to for being shady? I forget- Tell me more about the scam- It was set up just like Fannie Mae Freddie Mac adjustable rate mortgages- predatory lending and taking advantage of immigrants- Just like the victims of the Herbal life MLM fraudsters many of these people have no real recourse-
  It was set up with a lot of creative design in such a way that what transpired wasn't even technically illegal.  Huge profits where many of the victims had no recourse because many are illegal immigrants. The sex slaves coming in from China involved as victims of  human trafficking rings are afraid of being locked up by ICE. The taxi medallion victims were just taken advantage of since the business model  doesn't seem to be technically illegal. What is the difference between illegal and immoral, its all in the eye of the beholder.
  Artificially driving up prices of taxi medallions that was led according to the Times by a handful of powerful industry leaders. Huge profits for the bankers, lawyers, brokers, fleet owners and debt collectors. It encouraged refinancing, risky loans where people overpaid to inflate prices-From 200k in 02 to $1,000,000 by 2014 and that is when the bubble burst. The Taxi Limo commission was supposed to regulate instead they just idly stood by and watched it all happen- The industry cheerleader was on Fox business news talking about what a great business it was (even better then the stock market)  although he was already planning his exit. Exploitive loans where the drivers had no real choice but to have a medallion, that was the only way to compete.
  When people couldn't pay back their predatory loans it was time to garnish their wages through forced judgments. After their medallions were seized they were confiscated only to be sold for profit. This worked out very well for the capitalists because the victims still were obligated to continue to pay off their high interest loans. So as the Uber drivers picketed and protested over low wages before the IPO it wasn't too long ago that the medallion owners in NYC and elsewhere were jumping off the high towers of low finance. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dirty Execs

If what we resist persists that also means that what we perceive is what we can achieve. That isn't original it is just a combination of what has already been written. That is correct because most of the great wisdom has already been written. If one can combine and  expand that is the best one can really ask for. "If you want a friend get a dog if you want two friends then get two dogs".
  We finally have a real Potus and a Dept. of Justice, what we had before was an abomination. If HSBC was charged and convicted criminally but only fined as if it were just a civil case that tells us what the problem was right there. Money laundering, violating the trading with the enemy act which is treason, laundered money for terrorists regimes like Iran, aided and abetted in this drug epidemic, laundered  money for deadly and violent Mexican/Columbian drug cartels and the DOJ gave the order to stand down. That is beyond unconscionable, now look what we have. The biggest abuse of power scandal in our nations history. Our drug epidemic has been enabled by the FBI/DOJ, politicians, dirty doctors and billionaire big pharma executives. Purdue Pharma was charged criminally and convicted criminally in 2007  but only fined a small pittance compared to what they actually made and that was well before they really cashed in with this opiate epidemic.
  The tables have officially turned with the 2016 election, look how desperately they tried to  take our Potus down and out. Their are a lot of serious crimes that  have been covered up. As soon as Potus Trump declared an opiate national emergency in 2017 that very same day the billionaire from Insys was arrested, charged, eventually convicted and will soon will  be sentenced. I have a strong feeling the sentence will not be a small pittance of a fine. According to law professor Richard Ausness this is only the tip of the iceburg as far as drug companies misconduct is concerned. Insys is a landmark Racketeering case, the federal prosecutor from Mass. has sent a strong message to all of the other dirty dealers in suits and white coats out there." No evil can befall a good man in this life or the next-" Socrates

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


"in order for one to try to heal the world they must first attempt to heal their own soul"

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Creepy Joe

"Average men quote others exceptional men create their own" So who is running not sleepy Joe its creepy Joe- the fact that he has no boundaries is strange in itself. Just because he apologized doesn't mean that something isn't inherently wrong with him. Of course their is something seriously wrong with him that is why he is running for president. If AOC has no game who else is their- Creepy Joe's son is a capital crony who gets to do huge business with the oligarchs without any real experience. That is nepotism and taking advantage of political connections for ones own selfish gain.
  Pocahontas is looking for a presidential bid-`That is a pejorative label especially considering what the white man did to the naïve Americans- Our history books are slanted, we haven't been so nice especially when it came to destroying the native Americans- That is why Emerson stated "they can conquer who believe they can". Tell me more about the Warren campaign? You mean the Warren commission?  No-  but yes the Warren campaign wants to wipe 1.25 trillion dollars off of student loan debt over the next ten years so that is a noble undertaking. Now tell me about the Warren commission- Total whitewash, Richard Ney who wrote The Wall Street Jungle stated that their were major fluctuations in the stock market before that fateful day in 1963- Yes kind of like put options placed on American and United airlines pre-9-11.