Thursday, April 11, 2019

Rico Crimes

What's the story with nootropics- supplements sold over the counter that promise brain benefits but are prompting questions about safety? They aren't supposed to be addictive. Lets look at two sets of drugs- opiates and antidepressants- Opiates weren't supposed to be addictive in fact they were supposed to be safe and effective. Richard Sackler stated that "opiate addicts are criminals- and they engage in it with full criminal intent" Some are he is speaking some truth there.
  Opiates actually reduce the pain threshold and have little or no clinical efficacy for non cancer related pain. Infact they make it worse in many cases. Hyperalgesia- This is where victims have felt more and more pain as more pills were  prescribed- And lets not forget the detox pain that it causes. Do you think they knew about this in advance? I believe so, the morphine molecule and the trail of dead bodies goes back hundreds of years.
  What about antidepressants? Dr Irving Kirsch director of placebo studies at Harvard medical school has interesting info. He states that any benefit from antidepressants is from the patients belief in the drug and not from the drugs chemical composition. How can they get away with this sleight of hand? The FDA is in collusion with big pharma and that is where the selective publication of clinical trials comes into play. They work with the loophole- The trials showing negative results don't count. Since there is no limit to the number of trials that can be conducted in search of two for corroboration which is what they need to green light it that is how it is done. Any negative trial is withheld. Dr Kirsch did foia requests because he is a real doctor.
  Think about how sinister  big pharmas serving corporate interests greed mission is- They dominate the airwaves with junk placebos that do more harm then good. These drugs are addictive from a psychosomatic standpoint as well as from a chemical one. People are buying into the chemical imbalance lack of serotonin myth and feel naked and afraid when they run out. These drugs cause real side effects therefore reinforcing the false belief that they needed them to begin with. This causes mass rushes to the drug line at the drug store and insurance companies are making a bundle in order to cover the clients expense of these bogus pills.
  They actually use many of the same ingredients for some of  these smoke and mirror hoax pills and just name the drug something else. I don't know if people understand the gravity of the manipulation that is involved with this across the board. They have fully infiltrated the treatment center world and aren't going anywhere anytime soon. This is a racket otherwise known as racketeering which is a serious crime.

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