Tuesday, April 23, 2019


"When medical professionals behave like drug dealers the DOJ is going to treat them like drug dealers"- Brian Beaczkowski

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Its all In The gait

Walking is mans best medicine- Hippocrates- Its all in the gait- what does that mean? It means that I can usually tell who is walking for health and who is out on the street walking the street- Its more like they make it obvious that they are looking for a fix and that is why the dealer man is attracted to them like a magnet- I was in a self constructed prison set up like a real prison and was looking for a walk.
  I was in the rehab basically on lockdown with no therapy walks even though they were scheduled- I took one anyway and ended up on clinical blackout. I came out of the rehab and was out on the street with plenty of places to walk. Even though I was sober and made the decision I still had a desperate gait and I wasn't walking for strictly health reasons.
  So what's the secret don't drink and go to meetings, meeting makers make it, I think you are full of bs- Tell me more- The only thing that meeting makers make is meetings. Tell me more- Right now their is a lot of duality and separation. Addiction is addiction across the board and that includes cigarettes and nicotine. The ego gradient comes in 3 forms- Separation, lies and blaming at the lowest level- (limited ego) holding others responsible and not having a sense of agency- distortion of  reality, false delusions, this is where one is in full fledge active addiction. The second level is still a form of limited ego- us vs them alcoholics vs drug addicts, ie- I am a drug addict but not an alcoholic, Smart recovery vs AA. That's right Smart recovery is the place to stay clean but if you want to get and stay sober one must come into the rooms. Republican vs democrat- This is where one uses interminantly, binges and gets kicked out of various places-
   One hasn't surrendered to their ego and that is what happens in the third phase of the ego gradient- This is the highest level of consciousness awareness where there is full surrender and universal acceptance and connection. This is where we surrender to win for permanent sobriety and try not to blame and criticize others. Does that mean one is recovered- Yes we are recovered but in recovery and will be to the end of time. Of all ebriosity who does not prefer to be intoxicated by the air he breathes- Thoreau

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Rico Crimes

What's the story with nootropics- supplements sold over the counter that promise brain benefits but are prompting questions about safety? They aren't supposed to be addictive. Lets look at two sets of drugs- opiates and antidepressants- Opiates weren't supposed to be addictive in fact they were supposed to be safe and effective. Richard Sackler stated that "opiate addicts are criminals- and they engage in it with full criminal intent" Some are he is speaking some truth there.
  Opiates actually reduce the pain threshold and have little or no clinical efficacy for non cancer related pain. Infact they make it worse in many cases. Hyperalgesia- This is where victims have felt more and more pain as more pills were  prescribed- And lets not forget the detox pain that it causes. Do you think they knew about this in advance? I believe so, the morphine molecule and the trail of dead bodies goes back hundreds of years.
  What about antidepressants? Dr Irving Kirsch director of placebo studies at Harvard medical school has interesting info. He states that any benefit from antidepressants is from the patients belief in the drug and not from the drugs chemical composition. How can they get away with this sleight of hand? The FDA is in collusion with big pharma and that is where the selective publication of clinical trials comes into play. They work with the loophole- The trials showing negative results don't count. Since there is no limit to the number of trials that can be conducted in search of two for corroboration which is what they need to green light it that is how it is done. Any negative trial is withheld. Dr Kirsch did foia requests because he is a real doctor.
  Think about how sinister  big pharmas serving corporate interests greed mission is- They dominate the airwaves with junk placebos that do more harm then good. These drugs are addictive from a psychosomatic standpoint as well as from a chemical one. People are buying into the chemical imbalance lack of serotonin myth and feel naked and afraid when they run out. These drugs cause real side effects therefore reinforcing the false belief that they needed them to begin with. This causes mass rushes to the drug line at the drug store and insurance companies are making a bundle in order to cover the clients expense of these bogus pills.
  They actually use many of the same ingredients for some of  these smoke and mirror hoax pills and just name the drug something else. I don't know if people understand the gravity of the manipulation that is involved with this across the board. They have fully infiltrated the treatment center world and aren't going anywhere anytime soon. This is a racket otherwise known as racketeering which is a serious crime.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Wisdom For Cooling The Flames

your party exists in order to serve your country, not to create difficulties for another party or the party in power. So as a politician, you have to practice non duality. You have to see that compassion is above any political affiliation- This is not partisan politics but intelligent politics. They are politics that are humane, that aim at the well being and the transformation of a society- Thich Nhat Hanh
  If spirituality is relevant to anything then it is relevant to everything and that includes politics- Marianne Williamson

Saturday, April 6, 2019


What is your take on the tracendentilists and the education system?  Education has become a racket and this needs to be changed. Its not fair to saddle down students with interminable debt loads. And then the parents who pay people off and buy their children in. There was a great mystic who had a view on this- "I cannot but think if we had more true wisdom in these respects not only less education would be needed because forsooth, more would have already been acquired- but the pecuniary expense of getting an education would in great measure vanish- There is an illusion about college- the devil goes on exacting compound interest to the last- Thoreau

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Normality Principle

In America the criminal justice system doesn't really work that effectively. We want and need retribution that is why the Normality principle wont be implemented anytime soon. Norway treats their prisoners as people therefore the recidivism rate is around 30% . The US has well over a 70% closer to 90% recidivism rate. The normality principle understands that the inmate is a victim of a diseased environment. When normalizing the circumstances on the inside this leads to a much lower re offender rate. I cant see this ever working in America especially if somebody is a cop killer.
  In other words we will never use it for vicious and heinous criminal acts however it should be used for non violent offenders. Letting people rot in jail for drug offenses like they did in the 80'S when cia brought all of the crack cocaine in to the inner cities is criminal itself. Who are the real criminals here. Their are many victims of the system. Many non violent prisoners need to be pardoned. The problem is that many have been irrevocably institutionalized and wont be able to stay clean and sober or relate to life on the outside. The normality principle needs a large payroll but if their were less inmates in the US it could be implemented sometime in the near future. Think about it retribution rarely works and people aren't getting any better in jail or prison infact many get alot worse. Why not try something that has already been proven to work.

Client Number 9

In the war of ego the loser always wins. What is the latest on the agenda? Lets see creepy Joe is no leader and AOC has no game. She definitely has never been their before. She may have some good points but she is much too young and inexperienced especially in the dirty world of geo- politics. I used to trust and respect Roger Stone but I am not so sure anymore.
  Its kind of like the globalists like to fund both sides of the war, Stone may just be the one who finances and represents both political parties depending on who is paying him the most. For starters he was the dirty trickster on Lee Atwater's political war machine to make sure poppy Bush got elected. That was some twisted tactics. Atwater died of cancer because of all of the guilt that he felt. Not only does Stone show that he is a hypocrite by threatening a therapy dog after railing on Hillary for allegedly having a cat killed he also wrote a book about the Bush crime family. Now he says that the deep state has him against the ropes and he needs money for his indictment and legal fees etc.
  This political operative Bruno had him on the payroll because it looks like he was on a mission to take down Client number 9. Spitzer was a hypocrite for going after prostitution rings while using them himself so that was somewhat understandable. Its been down hill ever since. They replaced Spitzer with a blind guy and the latest AG that was just terminated threatened women's lives and was physically and mentally abusive toward many of them. All of these people seem twisted especially the Southern District of NY. Are we now supposed to believe that William Barr is going to do his job and put bad guys away? Spitzer was going after corruption, the Sheriff of wall street and is one of the only former law enforcement officials that I have heard that has really exposed the fed.
  Spitzer clearly stated that the fed is nothing more then a Ponzi scam and the dust bowl that almost was is a perfect example of this.