Thursday, March 21, 2019

Labeling Theory

The upper echelons of education have  a disconnect and many people in academia are fraudulent. For starters you have the reality tv stars who bought off the Yale coach. The same school that created the psychological profile of Adam Lanza and had the school of shrinks that remotely diagnosed our MAGA Potus with bogus psychobabble labels. They aren't supposed to do that without seeing the client, that was an obvious smear campaign.
  The disconnect is that even if the student athletes bought their way in they wouldn't be able to compete. Not being able to compete on a Div 1 level would make these student athletes feel  like a fish out of water and isolate them even more. It doesn't make sense when these mega stars insult the integrity of the system by not only being able to afford the tuition but to go way overboard with their  greed and avarice. The average middle aged dedicated professional is still saddled down with student loan debt. The democrats have a good point, not with the green new deal but rather by endorsing  a  larger governmental role and helping students and people that are crushed by  student loan debt. The system as it stands now sets people up to fail because only the 1% make it to the levels where they aren't hounded and harassed by an interminable debt load. America is a country of debt slaves and not because they haven't tried hard enough.
    The right wingers need to stop comparing what the democrats are proposing to some future dystopian totalitarian fema camp scenario. Easing debt by stopping adjustable rate mortgage type student loans, affordable and subsidized tuition and universal health care proposals have the democrats headed in the right direction.

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