Thursday, March 14, 2019


"No cuffs and a trail of dead bodies." Whether one is Elliot Ness, Gary Webb or John O'Neill, the end result has been the same, hero's always seem to die way too young. Ness was a clean and crisp G-man who couldn't get bought and did his best to take down Al Capone. He refused bribes and didn't take too kindly to bribing a public official. He ended up dying broke and of a heart attack at 54 years of age. Gary Webb died in suspicious circumstances with 2 gun shot wounds to the head 7 years to the day after publishing Dark Alliance. O'neill died on 9-11 in a devastating pile of ash and dust.
  The DOJ has blood on their hands because they have been covering up serious crimes of the Deep State. US attorneys are known as chief federal prosecutors. The DOJ's fraud and money laundering asset forfeiture division stood down for a major case. (HSBC- money laundering,) violating the bank secrecy act and trading with the enemy. No cuffs, just fines that are in aggregate a pittance compared to the money that they actually made. These are same people who stood down during the dust bowl that almost was, Lynch Breuer and Holder. These are the people that we were supposed to trust to uphold the law, instead  they are the ones actually covering  up the crimes. It doesn't get much worse then that because a lot of people have died as a result of this opiate epidemic.
  An American bank that laundered money for  ruthless Mexican and Columbian drug cartels, can this be serious and no cuffs for anybody? They misrepresented the severity of how addictive opiates were and almost a decade ago Purdue Pharma netted  3.1 billion in revenue. Its not like they are even covering up some of these egregious crimes they just never did their job by fully prosecuting and nobody ever went to jail.  I should say they never put any executive or higher up in jail.. HSBC admitted to laundering drug money for ruthless terrorists and drug cartels that kill people for sport.  .   

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