Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Law Of Attraction

In order to change ones thinking one has to change their way of thinking. I should have been a cop but ended up as a car salesman. After the leisure suits came rolling in to town I thought maybe being a car salesman wasn't for me after all. The law of attraction isn't  if we think about riches then we will become rich. Its more like it is much better to give then to receive. This means that it is much better to give out stress pressure and anxiety then  it is to receive it.
  That is why The Trump Train is going to become known as the law and order administration. After months of yellow journalism and pure propaganda the special counsel has found no collusion. This was a far cry from what all of the papers and news outlets except for Fox have been telling us for well over two years. The Trump Train needs to start revving up the stress pressure and anxiety in order to turn this entire DOJ/FBI fiasco around.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Labeling Theory

The upper echelons of education have  a disconnect and many people in academia are fraudulent. For starters you have the reality tv stars who bought off the Yale coach. The same school that created the psychological profile of Adam Lanza and had the school of shrinks that remotely diagnosed our MAGA Potus with bogus psychobabble labels. They aren't supposed to do that without seeing the client, that was an obvious smear campaign.
  The disconnect is that even if the student athletes bought their way in they wouldn't be able to compete. Not being able to compete on a Div 1 level would make these student athletes feel  like a fish out of water and isolate them even more. It doesn't make sense when these mega stars insult the integrity of the system by not only being able to afford the tuition but to go way overboard with their  greed and avarice. The average middle aged dedicated professional is still saddled down with student loan debt. The democrats have a good point, not with the green new deal but rather by endorsing  a  larger governmental role and helping students and people that are crushed by  student loan debt. The system as it stands now sets people up to fail because only the 1% make it to the levels where they aren't hounded and harassed by an interminable debt load. America is a country of debt slaves and not because they haven't tried hard enough.
    The right wingers need to stop comparing what the democrats are proposing to some future dystopian totalitarian fema camp scenario. Easing debt by stopping adjustable rate mortgage type student loans, affordable and subsidized tuition and universal health care proposals have the democrats headed in the right direction.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Triple Frontier

When one is on the teams it pays to be a winner because the only easy day was yesterday. When one is an operator on a Triple Frontier mission the stakes became very high. The problem with stealing money or greenbacks is that the currency itself is much too heavy. Ben Affleck/Redly Davis and company did a great job depicting a team of former sf warriors that dedicated their all for Uncle Sam but Redfly still couldn't even afford to buy a new truck because that's the real crime. That is why the globalists steal money by pushing paper around and are striving toward a one world cashless currency. It is still risky but the money itself isn't as heavy.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


"No cuffs and a trail of dead bodies." Whether one is Elliot Ness, Gary Webb or John O'Neill, the end result has been the same, hero's always seem to die way too young. Ness was a clean and crisp G-man who couldn't get bought and did his best to take down Al Capone. He refused bribes and didn't take too kindly to bribing a public official. He ended up dying broke and of a heart attack at 54 years of age. Gary Webb died in suspicious circumstances with 2 gun shot wounds to the head 7 years to the day after publishing Dark Alliance. O'neill died on 9-11 in a devastating pile of ash and dust.
  The DOJ has blood on their hands because they have been covering up serious crimes of the Deep State. US attorneys are known as chief federal prosecutors. The DOJ's fraud and money laundering asset forfeiture division stood down for a major case. (HSBC- money laundering,) violating the bank secrecy act and trading with the enemy. No cuffs, just fines that are in aggregate a pittance compared to the money that they actually made. These are same people who stood down during the dust bowl that almost was, Lynch Breuer and Holder. These are the people that we were supposed to trust to uphold the law, instead  they are the ones actually covering  up the crimes. It doesn't get much worse then that because a lot of people have died as a result of this opiate epidemic.
  An American bank that laundered money for  ruthless Mexican and Columbian drug cartels, can this be serious and no cuffs for anybody? They misrepresented the severity of how addictive opiates were and almost a decade ago Purdue Pharma netted  3.1 billion in revenue. Its not like they are even covering up some of these egregious crimes they just never did their job by fully prosecuting and nobody ever went to jail.  I should say they never put any executive or higher up in jail.. HSBC admitted to laundering drug money for ruthless terrorists and drug cartels that kill people for sport.  .   

Friday, March 8, 2019

Mad In America

"Placebos like snake oil also go back to the 1800s, when smooth-talking docs peddled miracle elixirs at traveling medicine shows, and paid actors to pretend to be cured by them. People attended for the free entertainment which was sponsored by the elixir’s maker/seller, just as drug ads sponsor today’s TV/online entertainments. These elixirs, like today’s, often contained alcohol, opium, or stimulants (cocaine) to hook clients" Lawrence Kelmenson MD- explains how antidepressants are nothing more then placebos peddled by drug dealers in white coats

Monday, March 4, 2019


When women get depressed they shop and overeat when men get depressed they invade countries- Tara Brach