Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Quote Of The Day

"Acting has been around as long as mankind- Politicians are actors of the first order-" Marlon Brando- It takes one to know one. Does this mean our Potus is an actor? I don't think so he seems pretty real. Infact he is a breath of fresh air. Lindsay Graham making believe that we may get hit again like 9-11 if we take troops out from overseas. This is the same smarmy actor that considered the AG position.
  How does taking some troops home endanger us stateside, these politicians try to use the same old tricks all over again. Nothing that comes from most of these people  is authentic, its the same boring script.  I am also not surprised that the Democrats are not giving our Potus credit for de escalating our presence in other countries. They aren't real people they are partisan, they cant give credit where it is due because then that wouldn't fit into their agenda.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

For Drunks Only

"Others live for the moment, they might as well be clams on the bottom of the ocean protected by their hard shell of indifference". Time is an illusion that is a non separation of two points of consciousness. That is why time doesn't matter and who ever got up the earliest has the most sobriety that day. Who said that? That right there is an illusion and more like a delusion because time does matter and anybody who says otherwise is not being on the up and up.
  Tell me more- Its the quality of time because the drunken horse thief who was locked up and stayed dry what others would call sober. The only reason he/she didn't use was because he didn't have any commissary. When he came out he was just another dry drunk convicted horse thief who ended up using again right away. Anybody that tries to sell the myth that we can all turn on a dime is selling fear not faith. This means that we can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety as long as we did the work up until that point. This also means that lapses or recurrences usually don't come out of left field. This is backed up by the Universal Law number 6 which states your actions today create your reality tomorrow. If somebody is miserable and dry one doesn't have as much to give that is why (A Vision For You) says we cant transmit something that we haven't got. That is why another great spiritual mystic told us to watch out for the wallowers who can end up taking somebody down into the mud with them if one isn't wise to their ways. Also don't put anybody up on a  pedestal just because they wrote a book. Some people use words that don't exist what is that all about?
   Their is an old saying don't drink and call your sponsor but lets delve a little deeper. Today we have a Smart phone addiction epidemic and the recovery rate seems to be lower then ever. In the olden days people didn't call their sponsor because their were hardly any phones around but they still got sober and back then there was a much higher recovery rate. What does this mean? Technology has made life more difficult in stead of easier. Ten years ago hardly anybody had a Smart phone now everybody seems to be glued to it 24/7 and they are still telling people to call their sponsor more then ever. We need to keep it simple, don't drink and go to meetings, if that doesn't work then go to meetings and don't drink. In the interim set up appointments with your trusted source. Ones phone doesn't have to be lighting up like a Christmas tree all the time because this can cause more harm then good. Anybody who states that if one uses after x amount of time they still didn't lose their initial sobriety date or (they didn't lose that time) is not being authentic. This means that they are selling myths and are clearly still part of the problem and not the solution. With shame or without it we need to surrender to win because in many cases our egos do need to be beaten into a state of reasonableness.  

Predictive Programming

"Its far easier to remember where to get information when you need it then to memorize the information itself-" Scott Witt- How to be twice as Smart-1983- long before the google machine of intel and potential dis info. "Silicon Valleys techies and their ever perfecting algorithms have discovered the form of bait that will have you jumping like a witless minnow-" Andrew Sullivan- I used to be a human being. Tribal Narcissism- Jeffry Kluger- "If war is politics by other means, sporting events are war by other means- Fans or fanatics- (BIRG- basking in reflected glory) fair weather fans where many disown their team if they are down or if they lose and refer in the third  person- they got beat- Once they are on top however it is my team or our team- predictive programming

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Statue Of Liberty

In our age there is no such thing as "keeping out of politics" All issues are political issues- George Orwell-  Knowledge without experience is philosophy, experience without knowledge is ignorance- Dr Joe D- The law of cause and effect is immutable- Do you have any profound quotes of your own? Some here and there but not off hand
   Their are starving children in Yemen and hungry college students at Cornell. The statue of liberty is kaput for many students strapped down with false hopes and dreams and college loan debt. The happiest people in the world come from countries with  socialist based educational systems. America ranks 13. There is something wrong with the big picture when private equity firms and hedge funds make a killing off of students that are just trying to survive. The Darwinian based model of the American dream is for the 1% who continue to  exploit the vulnerable. The same executives that should have went to jail 10 years ago are now targeting scholars who just want a degree or two. These loans are unrealistic when the balance that gets paid off is just the interest. It sounds a lot like the adjustable rate mortgage scam. So let me get this straight the greed mongers that should have went to jail a decade ago  had Uncle Sam do an intervention and  bail them out but nobody is helping out the students who aren't doing anything illegal. These schools need to become more affordable, even the little ivys and big Ivys. Potential false hopes and dreams shouldn't be marketed just so the fat cats can continue to exploit the struggling students that are just trying to survive

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Russia Hoax

"Whoever controls food exports controls the world" (Jacques Chonchol-) Who is that? I have no idea but you heard of Kissinger right? He stated-" control oil and you control nations control food and you control the people." This was around the same time Nixon upped the contamination process of our food supply. Around the turn of the 19th century five large companies controlled 55% of the market. Today about four companies control 80% of the market.
  Conspiracies have always been around. Upton Sinclair The Jungle- (Trusts) met in secret set prices and conspired to destroy the labor unions. Monopolies that got evened out by the antitrusters and competition flourished once again  just to return to the old ways after 1970 but it only got worse. There you have it processed food, high fructose corn syrup and surrepitiotios ingredients with plenty of sugar.
  What did you think about the Russia Hoax- Some profound quotes by Greg Jarett- Here are a few- "Comey mangled the rule of law and arrogated partisanship over principles" He stated that the Comey Mueller team botched the biggest case they ever handled- Anthrax case. The anti trump dossier seems to be manufactured by fusion gps contrived by a foreign national and they used unverified info to obtain a Fisa warrant. Any more profound quotes- Jarett wrote about Clarence Darrow- "There is no such thing as justice in or out of the court- the law had evolved into a horrible business." Any more intel- Yes- retired FBI agent Michael Biasello- "Comey singlehandedly ruined the reputation of the FBI-" The outcome was predestined by design, Comeys decision was cowardly"
   Exoneration before investigation is not what a professional investigator would do especially while employed at the highest levels of what is supposed to be our supreme law enforcement agency. Joe digenova stated " I don't think there is any doubt that Comey committed multiple crimes, obstruction of an investigation being one of them. The man who previously been asked to enforce the law against leakers became a notorious leaker himself. Clinton appears to have violated the espionage act among other crimes. Setting up an unclassified e-mail server that housed classified material- Changing grossly negligent to extremely careless- bold, brazen and arrogant enforcers of our rule of law. Another good quote from a great lawyer who's book will go down in the history books-"Ignorance and maladroitness are not defenses under the law-" Greg Jarett

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Science Of Mind

Whether one is Plato Plotinus or Socrates the end result is the same we are all united as one. All the great mystics have seen the cosmic light and Jesus was the greatest of them all. We are little Buddha's big Buddha's and everything else in between. We are warrior poets rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse training for the possibility of  the end of all ages. Spiritual and unique- Ernest Homes- The Science Of Mind.- psychics usually have mixed reviews while the mystic intuitively perceives the truth.
  Emerson, Whitman the list is long and quite extensive. "(Poets have sung of the eternity of the soul while the saints and sages of the ages have assured us that man is an immortal being"386) And if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch, no wallowing in the mud.