Saturday, November 8, 2014

Wolf Gets Harassed Again By Criminal Thugs

ttp:// Big Black and mean SUV trying to intimidate Wolf- Sorry but Wolfgang Halbig is not  backing down and he already knows that he is upsetting some very powerful criminals that are making millions by exploiting the Sandy Hook tragedy. He is a man of character, he is just doing his job as a national school safety expert and nothing more. He didn't set out to start a war by any stretch of the imagination, however  he obviously uncovered many deep dark and ugly secrets along the way. Now James Tracy has new and solid evidence showing how deeply  big Pharma has their hooks involved in all of this as well. It is an honor to be considered a national school safety expert, what could be more important then being responsible for keeping young children safe and alive and actually being the go to man? Paul Preston is another national school safety expert and his sources within the Obama administration and Dept of Education have already confirmed what everybody already knew- (Sandy Hook was a poorly executed false flag, it was a drill and no children really died.) Let me tell you something we have a lot of twisted freaks that are pulling the strings from way up above, to actually plan and execute something like Sandy Hook is about as diabolical as you can get. It is so sick and sinister that in my opinion the majority of individuals are too naïve and would deny something like this actually occurred even with incontrovertible evidence and trusted sources like Paul Preston. This is just a day in the park for these pathetic individuals, if one digs deep enough they will find that this is not surprising at all, just a days pay and business as usual.  

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