Monday, November 10, 2014

Therapy And Justice

I don't claim to be an intel guy or the go to guy about world events by any stretch of the imagination. I couldn't even make it as an Officer in the USMC and I have never been overseas. I was thrown in jail for having weapons out of jurisdiction and I even have a DWI .I highly doubt many people read my blogs besides DHS and my friend that gives me inspiration, however I read them to her and that is about it. I have always loved my country in ways that are more then likely above the norm and have always had a passion to expose injustice ie- (truth justice the American way) etc.. Writing blogs for me has been a catharsis, its been therapy, I have no idea if  I even make sense sometimes or if I am 100%  accurate however I think that  I am for the most part and this helps me sleep at night. Anyway I thought I knew what was going on by reading books like Fiasco by Thomas Ricks etc but I realized that I knew absolutely nothing until I started doing research on the Extortion 17 mission about a year ago. I was about to buy Eric Princes book Civilian Warriors when Betrayed popped up. This brought me to Infowars Alex Jones and an interview w/ Charlie Strange. My life hasn't been the same since. My heart has been broken irrevocably and this entire Sandy Hook event has taken me to very ugly places as well. Anyway I had Alex Jones up on a pedestal just like at one time Bill Oreilly was my go to guy. Alex has let me down in some ways, however for the most part I think he is legit- but the guys at Veterans Today have really rocked my world intel wise. I couldn't believe it, these Patriots give out free intel, the best I have ever seen or read by many miles. These guys are the real deal and they deserve a lot of respect for the efforts that they put fourth. They know that this country will never have a chance of turning around unless the average citizen becomes aware of what is really going on, I know for certain these guys aren't media hoars that are in it for the money. There is something called courage and character and they all  deserve a lot of respect because people have been killed over the kind of intel these guys give freely to "we the people." That is why I am so glad Gordon Duff called out Paul Craig Roberts by telling him to stop stealing his intel by making believe it was his own. I had an uneasy feeling about PCR when I was doing research on the Extortion 17 mission. I thought that it was great that he was corroborating the Charlie Strange interview but he actually insulted the intelligence of the seals parents, that did it for me. I knew right then and there that this guy was an elitist who belongs in establishment circles at the Greenwich Country Club. Anyway let us all show some humility and gratitude for the real deal guys at Veterans Today-this Veterans Day, your work is very much appreciated- Jim Fetzer, Gordon Duff, James  Preston, Kevin Barret, Stew Webb has been through hell and back, everybody must honor and respect him. Gwenythe Todd- etc.. I know that I missed mentioning many hero's names but the sentiments are still the same .      

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Wolf Gets Harassed Again By Criminal Thugs

ttp:// Big Black and mean SUV trying to intimidate Wolf- Sorry but Wolfgang Halbig is not  backing down and he already knows that he is upsetting some very powerful criminals that are making millions by exploiting the Sandy Hook tragedy. He is a man of character, he is just doing his job as a national school safety expert and nothing more. He didn't set out to start a war by any stretch of the imagination, however  he obviously uncovered many deep dark and ugly secrets along the way. Now James Tracy has new and solid evidence showing how deeply  big Pharma has their hooks involved in all of this as well. It is an honor to be considered a national school safety expert, what could be more important then being responsible for keeping young children safe and alive and actually being the go to man? Paul Preston is another national school safety expert and his sources within the Obama administration and Dept of Education have already confirmed what everybody already knew- (Sandy Hook was a poorly executed false flag, it was a drill and no children really died.) Let me tell you something we have a lot of twisted freaks that are pulling the strings from way up above, to actually plan and execute something like Sandy Hook is about as diabolical as you can get. It is so sick and sinister that in my opinion the majority of individuals are too naïve and would deny something like this actually occurred even with incontrovertible evidence and trusted sources like Paul Preston. This is just a day in the park for these pathetic individuals, if one digs deep enough they will find that this is not surprising at all, just a days pay and business as usual.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Bring In The White Coats

Apparently one that questions the narrative of events that don't hold up to critical scrutiny are labeled "mentally unbalanced." Dr Fetzers article Truthers are Terrorists is a perfect example of  big government pys- op where thought crimes must be dealt with in draconian ways, how much more pathetic can it get then that? This is the United States of America I have a serious problem w/ big brother bully tactics, people can think speak or write what ever the hell they want as long as they aren't breaking the law, the constitution used to mean something. I thought that it was great that the author Nick Kollerstrom who wrote a book that supported the false flag of 7/7 with documents and facts went straight down to Scotland Yard w/ his book and asked to get locked up.  I have a lot of respect for this man, the few and the proud out there who call out the cartoon like leaders we have in the establishment. We need more people like this, they are trying to silence everybody by making examples of innocent victims by throwing their weight around. That teacher from Pound Ridge, Adam Heller, he was fired from his 100k job and involuntarily sent to a pych ward due to his thought crime. I hope they get a lawsuit the size of Mt Everest for making an example of Mr Heller. What did Alan Heller do wrong? The Sandy Hook story just doesn't add up so why was he involuntarily incarcerated? He apparently had an impeccable record in a school district that used to have my respect. Somebody has to have the courage to take a stand and then the meek and timid will follow. That is why Wolfgang Halbig is an American hero that needs all the support he can get. I also found it interesting that one of the definitions of a truther is somebody that sticks to a government conspiracy story despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This is another perfect example of a psy- op the establishment uses. Infact it is just the opposite, overwhelming evidence has Oswald as a cia asset, an average shooter and an unfortunate patsy, the list goes on. Wolfgang is not even a truther, he is a national school safety expert. He wasn't trying to ruffle feathers by asking questions, he was just doing his job as a professional with a proven track record. How can he continue to do his job in other school districts to improve safety procedures unless he gets to the bottom of Sandy Hook first? He was an expert witness in Columbine and received plenty of answers. In my opinion Columbine was a false flag but I feel that real students were killed because there were multiple multi million dollar lawsuits that were eventually settled with the victims family members and the FBI didn't come in and suspiciously classify anything. He never got threatened by Homicide detectives or threatened with felony harassment charges either,something just doesn't seem to add up. Wolf was threatened with felony charges just because he was doing his job as the leading National school safety expert with an impeccable resume. Should everybody get carted off to the pych ward for being skeptical? Better yet since there are many people finally waking up just bring in the Fema busses