Thursday, November 9, 2023

Executable Crimes

Cohen has nothing on Trump they already tried and found very little- I respect Cohen but he thinks Fauci is a good man w/ legitimate science and that anti vaxxers are out of touch- After I learned that my perspective changed considerably in regard to Cohen,- Seriously a fraud virus that had patents on it before its release which is highly illegal combined w/ an unproven unvetted vaccine w/ out legitimate clinical trials that has already caused the death of countless people- This is premeditated murder and racketeering- Then after I uncovered solid evidence of voter fraud that pretty much summed it up- I am not stating that Trump didn't inflate assets and pay off a porn star however that amounts to very little compared to the corruption that has been going on within our judiciary for far too long- High crimes that most people wont be able to handle when the truth gets revealed on the main stream level- Withholding exculpatory evidence and prosecutorial misconduct is just one aspect of it- We have an Operation Mockingbird media that has been gas lighting and abusing the American people for well over 100 years- The system is very abusive and deeply corrupt hence the deep state- They stole and rigged the 2020 election from Trump and then entrapped the patriots at the capital and labeled them as domestic terrorists- That is a crime and we are not going to tolerate this any longer- Trump wanted a legitimate recount for the 2020 voter fraud not to call for violence at the capital- A peaceful protest and that was it- As usual the media turns everything around into the exact opposite of the true facts- Deep state media outlets like the Medias Touch network where Ben Meiselas a Georgetown grad Jesuit corruption w/ the diabolical Black Pope combined w/ a complete lack of integrity- Trump has never been a saint doesn't claim to be and there are executable crimes that have been conducted that will see the light of day very soon- Alina Habba is a great lawyer and a strong woman

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