Thursday, November 16, 2023

War In Israel

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime has murdered in cold blood over 12,000 Palestinians, mostly all civilians and a majority being women and children- Joachim Hagopian- What a weasel Netanyahu is women and children total coward one of the Kazarian maphias go tos- He is not capable of being a real leader so instead he has to murder Arabs w/ in their own country.

Kazarians arent the real hews who have peacefully co existed w/ the Arabs before the diabolical nwo came along- The scum of the earth who no nothing except war death suffering and destruction but now they are on their last legs- The kind of non human scum who traffic defenseless children murder cannibalize drink their blood for energy and sustenance- blow back is going to be quite severe 

Pizza gate and those disguising pieces of garbage is real- It has been going on for quite some time- We will- see these pathetic weasels scurry like cockroaches when the real light comes shining upon them- They have a thing for little children like making believe a bunch got murdered like they did during Sandy hoax- The audacity to try to pull that one off unfortunately they did.

Corrupt deep state judges the same ones putting Trump through hell on earth when he really isnt that guilty of anything egregious- Wasting our time and tax dollars trying to destroy the man they stole the election from. Pedophiles who operate in plain sight the kind that get murdered in prison with out protective custody-

Hollywood has alot of this going on and its all coming to an end- They also have a thing for genocide horrific war crimes poison vaccines and the like- Psychotropics that do more harm then good military tribunals are on the way

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Satan Spreads His Wings

Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, summed up America’s subservience to Israel when he said, “No American President can stand up to them”, after the 1967 Israeli attack on the US intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, which killed 34 American servicemen and wounded 174. The cover-up that followed went all the way to President Lyndon Johnson and was led by Admiral John S McCain Jr., Senator McCain’s father. Must read: Pat Macshay Satan spreads his wings over Gaza

This is why Trump didnt want McCains flag ro be lowered to half mass- When Trump wins in 24 and even before there is  going to be blow back of epic proportions

Love Is The Answer

 I condemn violence. From either side. From any side. From all sides. In any country. In every country. For every atrocity perpetrated by one side, I can show you equal or greater atrocities by the other. War leads to more war and evil never conquers evil. I condemn oppression, tyranny and totalitarianism. I despise deception. I despise fake wars. I despise propaganda, especially atrocity propaganda. I stand for truth. I seek peace.

And it’s likely, as a Healthy American and reader of this substack, you feel the same. Peggy Hall

Executable Crimes

Cohen has nothing on Trump they already tried and found very little- I respect Cohen but he thinks Fauci is a good man w/ legitimate science and that anti vaxxers are out of touch- After I learned that my perspective changed considerably in regard to Cohen,- Seriously a fraud virus that had patents on it before its release which is highly illegal combined w/ an unproven unvetted vaccine w/ out legitimate clinical trials that has already caused the death of countless people- This is premeditated murder and racketeering- Then after I uncovered solid evidence of voter fraud that pretty much summed it up- I am not stating that Trump didn't inflate assets and pay off a porn star however that amounts to very little compared to the corruption that has been going on within our judiciary for far too long- High crimes that most people wont be able to handle when the truth gets revealed on the main stream level- Withholding exculpatory evidence and prosecutorial misconduct is just one aspect of it- We have an Operation Mockingbird media that has been gas lighting and abusing the American people for well over 100 years- The system is very abusive and deeply corrupt hence the deep state- They stole and rigged the 2020 election from Trump and then entrapped the patriots at the capital and labeled them as domestic terrorists- That is a crime and we are not going to tolerate this any longer- Trump wanted a legitimate recount for the 2020 voter fraud not to call for violence at the capital- A peaceful protest and that was it- As usual the media turns everything around into the exact opposite of the true facts- Deep state media outlets like the Medias Touch network where Ben Meiselas a Georgetown grad Jesuit corruption w/ the diabolical Black Pope combined w/ a complete lack of integrity- Trump has never been a saint doesn't claim to be and there are executable crimes that have been conducted that will see the light of day very soon- Alina Habba is a great lawyer and a strong woman

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Kazarian War Pigs

A number of former IDF soldiers that provided active duty security along the Gaza border have gone public asserting that all kinds of border sensors automatically go off alerting detection of even a domestic cat walking near the border wall. Currently, Israel possesses the most sophisticated robotic weaponry and advanced surveillance technologies installed to myopically monitor every inch of its border, and, if a breach occurs, within a minute dozens of armed soldiers in vehicles quickly converge. So, it’s totally absurd to buy into the lie that the Mossad’s most masterfully skilled intelligence network on the planet would be completely caught off guard by a Hamas “surprise attack.” Yet the world is supposed to swallow this blatant deception that at dawn on Saturday October 7th Israel was totally unprepared for the Hamas offensive. Joachim Hagopian