Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Without A Badge

 We would rather be judged by 12 then carried by six but that doesn't mean that we are afraid of death, those who are afraid of death are afraid of life- Dick Wolf has prob spent more time w/ cops then anyone with out a badge- Chicago PD needs to lock up more bad guys because the murder rate has gone way up- great rookie cop got shot NYPD these politicians all have to go- Like socialist Deblasio who is trying to force a vaccine on people destroying a once beautiful city w/ this covid garbage- Why not focus on fighting crime stop ruining economies so rookie cops dont get shot because this is unconscionable.

 Macon and Trudeau are going to make peoples lives miserable who dont get vaccinated this is China Joes mindset as well- Time to get rid of all of these political hoars  and make sure our vote really counts this time around

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Joan Of Arc

 pycho neuro immunology- According to dr kelly brogan there are many new age woo woos that are not  the genuine article- I believe that to be the truth- She is beautiful and brilliant kind of like the modern day Joan Of Arc- maybe wonder woman even supergirl their can be more then one of those I suppose but then again maybe not

 She seems to be in oneness w/ herself in opposition to the high priests of the entire  medical and scientific establishment, this is true individuation

Burning Bush

 So the oldtimer asked the newbie the last time he couldn't remember anything and suggested that they use that as the sobriety date- I dont remember what happened yesterday but did you drink? How can I remember that- The newbie is also a former ranger  suffering the affects of gulf war syndrome as well as complications from an Anthrax shot-

Burning tar pits,noxious fumes oil fire fumes  etc-

The Ranger feels like Rip Van Winkle- He wakes up and sees zombies wearing muzzles staring blindly at their dumb phones.  Now he is especially upset because they are talking about forced inoculation for his brother warriors for a vaccine that hasn't  been properly vetted- They are definitely pissing off the wrong kind of people- A long time criminal history which includes murder where nobody ever went to jail and now they are trying to pull this one off-

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

No I in Team

 It is not a class act to criticize our gov of fla- Former Potus calling Desantis gutless when former Potus is the one who lost supporters for not discussing vaccine dangers- Former Potus is egoic and always has been- If the economy was on fire he took credit for it- I have a hot economy going- I got the vaccine out in record time operation warp speed- So now we know who to blame as people continue to drop like flies- There is no I in Team America but former Potus never realized this-

We do have individual freedom republic which supers-cedes the will of the state especially horrible draconian covid scams- We live in a republic w/ individualized choice that is why mandates are not going to work out very well-

Former Potus not classy especially when Desantis wife is just getting over cancer-  If our governor wanted to be Potus he would be a great one but that is probably not even what he wants- Roger Stone says hes a boring frat boy not at all- Former Seal JAG he resonates with the front as well as the back row-

 Not only that he knows what real threats are ieds ambushes not this overblown covid con- That is authentic risk mitigation- These news outlets selling fear and exaggerated cases will get their come-uppance sooner rather then later-  Operation Mockingbird not working out so well they definitely do not represent we the people- Still trying to scare people into submission over the seasonal flu quire pathetic to say the least- I  do not respect former Potus for criticizing our governor  because he is a breath of fresh air and the best leader we have in all of politics rt now