Monday, November 15, 2021

The Cartel World

 Micky Sherman wrote a book How Can You Defend Those People- If Rudy had a conscience he would have put in a conflict of interest clause- Meaning I will not defend ruthless criminals hell bent on plunder and pillage- Not in the cartel world where he was given handsome sums for cushy speeches- Now blood is on his hands-

Maybe the cartel had premeditated motives behind their murderous addiction spree - Just think get everybody hooked depopulate and then come in and pose as the saviors- Plenty of MAT and psychotropic meds to prescribe- Great stocks to invest in w/ inside information-

Our former Potus used to complain about the corruption in the system etc now we can look no further then his own personal lawyer- The swamp likes to complain about the swamp just like looking at themselves in the mirror-

I see some similarities w/ this vaccine con and the FDA and the Purdue pharma criminal enterprise-Alan Dueshawitz thinks people should possibly get forcibly vaccinated- That is a declaration of war on we the people.  Rudy thinks Kissinger is a swell guy - he was telling fox news how sharp he is

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