Friday, November 19, 2021

Two Tier Justice System

 So DEA found the cartel but no bad guys got locked up- Its just the addicts that were abusing- They weren't addicts before so who created them- So if oxy had a less then a one percent chance of being addictive and if people did get hooked they weren't really addicted they were pseudo addicted- So the remedy for that was to prescribe more meds at higher doses can this really be true-

Money laundering criminal misbranding mail and wire fraud to boot- So how come the addict off the street got the book thrown at them for selling one of these pills w/ out a prescription- Instead of getting tough on the cartel executives they went light political appointees doj quite pathetic to say the least- misdemeanor and a small pittance of a fine in aggregate was nothing to how much money they were making- 600 million sounds like alot of money to most normal folks but not for the greenwich cartel- 

Whatever happened to crimes standing on their own and not having anybody get in the middle to make it soft and cushy for them- How many of these pharma execs ever had cuffs put on them- In the cartel world you have to charge the individuals separately and seize their ill gotten gains not let them file for bankruptcy w/ out hand cuffs and thereby preventing these individuals from experiencing the pain and humiliation of getting put through the system.

How much time would we get for these crimes- mail and wire fraud-  money laundering- illegal kickbacks deceptive marketing-conspiracy to defraud the United States



Monday, November 15, 2021

The Cartel World

 Micky Sherman wrote a book How Can You Defend Those People- If Rudy had a conscience he would have put in a conflict of interest clause- Meaning I will not defend ruthless criminals hell bent on plunder and pillage- Not in the cartel world where he was given handsome sums for cushy speeches- Now blood is on his hands-

Maybe the cartel had premeditated motives behind their murderous addiction spree - Just think get everybody hooked depopulate and then come in and pose as the saviors- Plenty of MAT and psychotropic meds to prescribe- Great stocks to invest in w/ inside information-

Our former Potus used to complain about the corruption in the system etc now we can look no further then his own personal lawyer- The swamp likes to complain about the swamp just like looking at themselves in the mirror-

I see some similarities w/ this vaccine con and the FDA and the Purdue pharma criminal enterprise-Alan Dueshawitz thinks people should possibly get forcibly vaccinated- That is a declaration of war on we the people.  Rudy thinks Kissinger is a swell guy - he was telling fox news how sharp he is

Sunday, November 14, 2021

DEA Found The Cartel

 A real crime fighter is supposed to look out for our greater good- Former prosecutors that once took on mobsters should want to take down cartels not get paid by them-

That is Rudy Giuliani the man that I used to have respect for- How many thousands of our nations addicts got started on oxys- Some stayed on that drug but many moved on to heroin- Started w/ oxys and then went to dope- Giuliani was in tight w/ the cartel-

The US attorney considered Purdue to be a criminal enterprise- What is supposed to happen to criminal enterprises- They need to get extirpated asap not given cushy protection deals- Rudy Trumps go to has proven that they are the swamp- Then they make Giuliani son part of the drug Zhar task force after his dad enabled the cartel to ravage millions directly and indirectly- More deaths annually then the entire Vietnam war.

So dea found the cartel within our borders but nothing happened to them- Comey Rudy what can we expect- not real crime fighters but rather capital crony politicians that get paid for speeches- A travesty of justice and complete embarrassment to our country

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Dope Sick legalized corruption- The Sacklers need shackles not protection rackets- Welcome to the ruthless protection racket of the Greenwich oligarchs-

This is where you can admit to serious crimes both civil and criminal but never get locked up- Just file for bankruptcy instead- Wasn't that clown Comey who thought the US state attorneys were investigating Purdue chicken- typical out of touch law enforcement capital cronies total disconnect from the real world- Set up an fda rep to fast track a safe non addictive label only to have the rep start working for the company that they fast tracked- Ravaged rural Appalachia and a lot more but its ok because at the end of the day nobody ever does any time


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Fla Shuffle

 Did you hear about the oldtimer that asked the newbie if he had a sponsor- The newbie shot back yes no maybe so- I dont want what you have I want what I have-

The newbie asked how much time the old-timer had- 3 years he said- 3 years I thought old timers were supposed to have at least 5- who considers you an oldtimer- You look old but definitely dont look like you have any time- You smoke have a gut and talk too dam much- Like maybe you have done the fla shuffle one too many times- You use seroquel to knock yourself out at nite? I may be a newbie but that doesn't mean I dont listen or observe even though I dont talk very much