Thursday, June 24, 2021

In The Rooms

 Did you here about the old timer who told the newcomer that if he did not remember his sobriety date that he wasnt done- Ya I think so he got a solid retort- he came back with- I am a black out drinker I dont remember much- 

The oldrimer asked the newbie what he heard in the meeting- the newbie said nothing I was too busy thinking about what I was going to say- see thats the problem right there consumed w/ self- ok what did you say? Nothing the chair didnt call on me that is why I have a resentment- So you expect the chair to be a mindreader that you want to share huh?   

ok tell me more- the oldtimer knows its alcohol in any form right- So w/ this is mind he kept to old school and said if you arent done and you seem to still have junky pride then you should go out and try some controlled heroin use- Even w/ the fenttanyl ya hard core maybe the newbie would actually listen and end up as another statistic

Thats why the easier softer approach might work better

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