What's the latest? Follow the patterns the big pharma alphabet cdc who cares they are all the same follow the same crime line as the APA- They changed the definition of what a epidemic was as time went on- It used to be people that were real cases and then died until the scamdemic came along-
They have a long history of corruption and deception- lying that Mary Tyler More took the bogus swine flu shot- MSM cover ups at least 60 minutes told us the truth- People have memories about as long as what the latest xanie bar does to you- completely wipes out your cognitive skills.
These people are flat out scums of the earth- They invented mental disorders and the more meds that were prescribed the worse people got mentally- They kept changing the definition of what bi-polar was to make it more benign in evaluation factors to prescribe more meds just as they changed the epidemic definition-
When you control the studies and peer review literature and most definitely the airwaves this is much easier to accomplish-
There hasn't been proper informed consent with these meds especially in a sober community- These so called non narcotic psychotropics are dangerous as all hell as well- The micro taper process is long in duration but it doesn't seem like the goal is to ever take anybody off of them-
So now we have a vaccine that bypassed animal trials where at least 6 people died and this is supposed to help people for a virus that hasn't even been proven to exist as of yet-
Asymptomatic people that are perfectly healthy when did this become a way of transmitting this con because inquiring people want to know-
We have had a real epidemic with addiction but the airwaves doesn't seem to focus on that- I know people that have Od lived with them and died- I don't know anybody who had died from covid-
If they pass away they die with it and not from it this just means the bogus pcr test gave them a false reading- and they mostly already had a preexisting comorbid medical condition. Fear mongering praying on peoples ignorance and fear- greed Predators- cockroaches- and thieves blowback is coming and it will be quite severe