Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hostage To Our ego

New age spiritual mystics- AA made us whole but it is not our whole life. The last time you said its a bridge back to life but not your whole life you ended up under the influence. What about the soul who is convinced that he/she definitely is not god but is still being run by the egoic mind. We don't need to get out of ourselves or continually run to the rooms for solace because we already have source within but we must give it away to keep it. The three dimensional hamster wheel runners are always restless irritable and discontent. Some also always make a point that their only problem is the first  drink but its clear that by the way they carry themselves they have much bigger problems then that. That first sucker drink is what imminently occurs when people keep spinning their wheels on the three dimensional hamster wheel.
  One should rather want to transcend into a five dimensional astroplane mission through the celestial spheres.  Big pharma is a big problem, they disavow the epigenetic natural mind body connection and destroy our homeostasis. The investors are happy because this creates  recurrence rates that are through the moon and back. It also keeps the lab rats  miserable but accountable however  the labs become quite prosperous and content. Everything is natural energy that travels above and beyond the three dimensional hamster wheel. Once this becomes our reality we no longer have fear nor do we need to look out side of ourselves for approbation. Why do we need to look out side of ourselves that is what led us to jails institutions and homelessness. We are already whole so we don't need some med to prove this to us. The same so called conspiratorial forces that were dragging us down are actually the same angels that were always trying to raise us up through the power of ascension.
   One toke is too many and 1,000 is not enough while we are stuck on the lower frequency astral plane. Your vibe is your tribe, this is why the drug seekers get the electromagnetic pull directly toward the dealer man. The dealer man knows one when he sees one because in many cases he is one. Today we no longer have to be a slave or hostage to our ego. This means that there is no devil just our shadow self dressed up as one.

Organic and McD'S

What is the story with Organic by Peter Laufer? It's not a story when a dog bites man but it is when man bites the dog. An investigative journalist's quest to discover the truth behind food labeling. We should be grateful for many people out there who put in the work to uncover the hidden world that hides beneath most industries. It is much easier to regurgitate the info that other people pounded the pavement to uncover. He basically states that many of these third world countries are labeling food as organic shipping it into the US fraudulently and making bundles of doe in the process.
  90% of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs- You are what you eat (1923- telegram-) McDonald's sold 1.3 billion big macs last year. Americans are getting healthier that is why there was a sales slump. According to Ray Kroc Mcds helped drive Hojos off the map. It used to be "all things to all people-" WSJ- Organic definition on both sides of the Atlantic- ingredients free from chemical herbicides and pesticides and gmos- genetically modified- "There is a lot of greed and bs in the organic industry" pp-13- (somebody that is in the know) QAI- quality assurance international- big money putting their stamp of approval labeling organic. "China is the biggest fraud regarding organics that you can imagine-"14 This health industry has been hijacked by  corporate America- Its a sector that has grown so fast it has been co-opted by big business and its massive lobbying machine. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Quantum Questions

What did you think about Quantum Questions- mystical writings of the worlds greatest physicists? Deepak Chopra read Ken Wilber to be inspired by the most extraordinary mind of our times. The book was written in 1985-" Newtonian psychics is actually much closer in many ways to eastern mysticism then quantum physics pp-22- This seems to contradict Dr D's quantum's field and electromagnetic frequencies- He has proven just the opposite, the new paradigm is all about the shift toward the quantum fields. One needs to cause the effect just by thought alone, forget about Newtonian cause and effect karma because that is archaic.
  What do you think about Jordan Peterson? Not impressed he seems to be the new it guy the establishment has picked out to lead the way. I got an uneasy feeling about him when he was describing his "patients". What is everybody else in a hospital ward and he is on top of the therapeutic pedestal? My analysis was confirmed when he made a statement about Alex Jones and labeled him a fringe paranoid crackpot  alternative right type or something to that effect. He also had an insolent tone in his voice which pretty much summed up my initial reaction or first gut instinct about this man. Its pretty slim Pickens out there as far as people to admire that is for sure. The problem with the new age spiritual gurus is that they never delve into real issues. Its all about what you resist persists and if somebody upsets you then there is a problem with you and not them. Even the late Wayne Dyer, he went out to lunch with some astronaut who supposedly landed on the moon is that real or was that all an illusion?  Anybody who doesn't tell the entire truth as they know it is not somebody to be respected. A lot of these people have goodness about them but many people have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the moon hoax is just that a fantasy to make everybody feel good. Everybody knows it but not that many people speak about it, fear of ridicule etc.. Hollywood fantasy land and new age spiritual mystics. I used to respect Tony Robbins but he seems to be just another billionaire who drops f bombs and says don't worry about it because I am not your guru anyway.
   One has to be their own spiritual advisor of sorts because others are more then fallible and 9 times out of 10 they don't want to be put up on some spiritual hierarchy anyway. Who is one of the very few politicians out there that you have a good feeling about? That is a tough question because most of them make my skin crawl. I don't care how great of a speech Lindsay Graham made he will never be somebody I admire, way too smarmy and I will never forget how he didn't care how many people died in Syria. Ron Desantis is somebody who can make a difference. He wants to clean up the ocean's and do a lot more. What a difference between Desantis and Rick Scott.
    Big Pharma sell outs, the big question is when is Hillary and Huma Abedin going to get a target letter? We have somebody like Alex Jones who speaks truth to power and has a lot of courage but continues to get demonized and censored by these globalist corporate sheisters. People need to go to jail plain and simple, how many people died in this opiate war? More then any of the other wars combined, 700k and 65k last year alone. A Pa. coroner started to label deaths as homicides not accidental overdoses. That is a start because this elevates it into the criminal realm where it should have been all along. Criminal prosecutions, out of business signs, handcuffs and  prison time is the only way these greedy sociopathic corporate warlords and their world depopulation agenda will ever be stopped.