Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Spiritual Giants

So what is going on in the celestial spheres? "Spiritual giants are universally accepted as hero's in Tibet where the names that are remembered aren't those of sports figures, politicians or movie stars." Milarepa the eleventh century troglodyte was one of these beings. Fast forward to the 21 century where our Potus is now a spiritual giant. Infact he is well respected throughout the anthropomorphic community. We are now witnessing great progress with real leaders that are no longer considered politicians. I want you to name names. Ron Desantis- should be Fla next  governor hands down. All of the folks that are putting pressure on the DOJ- Jim Jordon, Gaetz, Chaffetz, Nunes, Judicial Watch, there are countless people working behind the scenes and one day we will know all of their names. Sarah Carter, Joe Di Genova- Bongino, Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Infowars the list is long and quite extensive.
   The faux leftists are grasping at straws, harassment and attempts at intimidation is low level thuggish behavior. Sarah Huckabee, Fla AG Pam Bondi, she is a great person who doesn't deserve idiots and morons bothering her. She is one of the few leaders out there willing to sue big Pharma for racketeering. What has anybody else done about this plague of our century? She will probably be able to turn the civil suit into criminal cases with the right teams behind her. Like who? Desantis he was not only ivy league but he was also on the Teams.  

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Deep Cover EP shoe

If Patton believed in reincarnation then how come he was such a miserable sob? What does that have to do with anything? People who believe in the afterlife and former lives are usually happier and more spiritual. He supposedly believed that soldiers weren't supposed to have shell shock and apparently his own children hated him. Fast forward to our land of real PTSD and TBI, many of our warriors have serious issues. (Thomas Brennan TJ and Finbar Oreilly- Shooting Ghosts-) "No god would allow their creation to ever contemplate war-pp63- The shock wave from the rpg still ripped through the delicate wiring of the brain like a baseball bat smashing a computer circuit board-pp-57
  Their are at least 357k cases of TBI and many more cases of PTSD- Modern day warfare has enabled many soldiers to survive what in other wars were un survivable injuries- We need to be able to help our soldiers who have suffered a great deal. Infowars had an Army chaplain on who suffered from PTSD himself, a familiar case of people who help others who actually need help themselves. Writing is cathartic and this man wrote two books that look to be very interesting to say the least. He actually talked about what it would be like to actually have heaven and peace on earth. What else is on the agenda? A deep cover ep shoe and manufacturing plants in the USA-
  What are you talking about? Our new ep shoe is actually a sneaker that looks like a shoe. In other words our guys will be wearing an all terrain sneaker that will fit right in to the ep black tie gala-
 Its great if you can take out bad guys from a distance but one needs to be able to catch the bad guy or physically engage without limitations. Bad guys never get away in the long run, how many street perps get away when watching cops? The other thing is that its never a good thing to physically engage an idiot and a moron unless it is absolutely necessary. The best thing to do is get them into the system with the help of local leos. Nobody wants to be filling out paperwork and possibly risking an arrest for some idiot who was dumb enough to physically engage. So this new ep shoe will be just as effective, even better then any running sneaker on the market and nobody will be able to tell the difference. I was checking out a pair of Mizunos $215 and what made this even worse is that they are made in Vietnam- How many guys did we lose over there, 56k and PTSD, Agent Orange etc.. Make America great again- if we cant make a better shoe over here for less then that then we have serious problems

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Ghost Chasers

What is on your mind this afternoon? Ghost chasers- What is the difference between a hungry ghost and somebody who shoots at ghosts? When you shoot at ghosts you join the USMC as an embedded journalist and get shot at in Afghanistan. That takes a lot of courage because one has to go in alone without a support system as an outsider so to speak. Marines are a tight knit bunch of solid warriors, to earn their respect is not an easy thing to do. A hungry ghost is known in Buddhism as the drug addict/alcoholic etc who cant get enough. Always trying to satiate their pallet but as we know this is a difficult task without a spiritual awakening of sorts. What could be worse then being stuck on the lowest Astral plane with the lowest frequency with no way to attain that money power and sex?
  The Dark Side of Light Chasers- "We are not in the world but the world is within us"pp-5- I thought we are in this world but not of it what is with the contradiction? Just go along with it demon chaser. What is the shadow self? Jung said it was the person that you would rather not be however the Light chasers encourage us to embrace our shadow self as a means to fulfill our highest authentic self. Tibetan Wisdom For The Western World- "Where I grew up, the best and the brightest were extremely competitive, they went to med school, law school, Madison Ave and Wall Street- In the Buddhist Himalayas the best and the brightest chose monastic life"pp-31 What do you make of that?
  I want to embrace spiritual principles but I don't want to hide in some monastery because that is just an escape mechanism. People can get so caught up in that way of  life they end up thinking that is normal. What is normal? Not living like a Monk- I have respect for spiritual warriors but have a lot of respect for warrior warriors, people who just don't drop one liners of spiritual wisdom. I embrace the people out there who try to change things without ignoring it, they seek their truth and even demonstrate ego. Too many spiritual books and sermons is not healthy. Maybe politics was not meant to divide after all. I think that Alec Baldwin will not win hands down in 2020 because the dems are losing fast. Robert Deniro saying negative things about our Potus when he has done nothing but help America become great again. Hollywood types, I cant even take Baldwin seriously because he doesn't act serious. He is talking on Howard Stern in some typecast character.
  Their is something seriously wrong with the democratic party, nobody spoke out against Hillary, that tells us everything that we need to know about their character. Then we have Communist Manifesto Bernie walking through the airport and cant even answer a direct question from Alex Jones- These people are beyond pathetic.  Hillary supposedly rigged the primary from Bernie, how come he isn't speaking out about that? Instead they are into neo feudalism and hiding behind what we already know doesn't work. Politicians are not supposed to be afraid and should welcome any questions, so how come Bernie is afraid of Alex Jones? I have the book Communist Manifesto, I don't have to read it to know that it doesn't work- dialectical materialism ie- Marxism, these people didn't do anybody any particular favors- Who is an example of a good leader, somebody that is in the public eye? Dean Cain- He answered a direct question with passion and integrity when asked one at the airport, what a difference between Bernie Sanders and Dean Cain- light years