Monday, July 13, 2015

The Arnold and Donald Era

AJ is right about most things, a few months back he pointed out how the Arnold would be the perfect NWO dictator. I watched the Reelz special on the Arnold and what I allready knew was confirmed. You can see it in his eyes this guy at the very least has NPD- Narcissistic Personality Disorder- I don't remember if it was Sergio or Franco Columbo back in the day but apparently the Arnold pulled a cheap trick during the final pose down, whatever it took to win. NPD is one step away from full blown sociopathy so it definitely isn't to be taken lightly. The Arnold is definitely dangerous however so are most politicians. So what do we have now The Donald,  the only candidate we have. I admire and respect the Donald,-he is a Patriot and I will vote for him if that is the only choice. Hello Democratic party do you not have 1 candidate that is considering running for President? The only issue I have with the Donald is that the Art Of The Deal was a long time ago and times have changed. There are many great things the Donald has accomplished however he made a pejorative comment about the Scotch farmer when he was building his golf course in Scotland. The Donalds mom is a MacLeod- We are from the Isle of Skye- we are simple, proud and agrarian. Knowing how to drink and fight goes without saying, we are barbarians if need be. However farmers are our own people, they don't want riches because they are happy just living off their own land. I am a Scotsman, not some arrogant Waspy Brit- We are from Braveheart territory, fierce, loyal and vicious especially when fighting for our Independence. The problem we have in America is that money destroyed us because it doesn't matter how much you are worth it just matters how you treat others. If you are in a position of power then use it to help people and to make the world a better and safer place for future generations. I trust Trump, he is the only Republican candidate that even comes close to earning my trust. He just needs to stop the how much money I have competition Against Romney because that guy is a clown. I have learned who Mitt Romney really is thanks to Gordon Duffs audio tapes.  

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Body Double Charade

Freaks And Cowards

We have been hijacked by rogue operatives. The entire criminal justice system in the state of Ct has been corrupted. Homicides are all jokes since these perverts have now made it impossible to adjudicate any future homicide cases. All because they had to find a way to cover up for their Sandy Hook Scam. No more FOIAs or appeals. In other words if you don't want a Kangaroo court then move out of Ct but where? I don't know Ct used to be a beautiful place to live. We live in an Agenda 21 theater of the absurd. I cant even watch Investigation and Discovery channel anymore because some of these reenactments have crisis actors that are as bad as Sandy Hook, until I see real forensic evidence then I don't buy that anything ever really happened anywhere at anytime. What other choice is there then when World News is the same exact thing but even worse? It looks like Dylan Roof slipped through the cracks on the FBI NCIS back round check. Make no mistake these people are terrorists and have no problem killing many real people and already have. The only real investigators that I know for certain that are trying to do something about this are not getting the support that they really need so just bring back the Salem Witch Trials. Wolfgang needs support because if SH goes down many others may go down as well. We are dealing with dangerous Lucifarian individuals that hide behind pernicious usury and counterfeiting currency operations. In their world its ok to terrorize the American People with hoax school shootings. Oh Yes the crisis actor from Aurora who goes into great detail about how she was eviscerated this is as twisted and sick as it can possibly get. I don't know what the future holds but it isn't looking pretty. If the real bad guys are the ones at the top then how does one investigate them? This is a major international Rico crime syndicate operating in the US. This means that the FBI should be investigating,  that is their job instead they are the actual perps themselves- how much more pathetic can you really get then this?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Rogue Operative

I was looking for one of the best SH You Tube Vids I have ever seen posted by Rogue Operative but I cant find it now. He shows Shadow Analysis etc.. Very impressive, it was so good they probably took it off and censored it what else is new. He isn't a rogue operative however. After watching Oliver Stones Untold History of the US (parts of it) I was very impressed. I was always impressed by Oliver Stone, he fought in Vietnam. It is excellent especially the parts of the lone wolf hard to believe scenarios in reference to JFK,RFK,MLK etc.. Same old scam. I kind of got sick watching senior Bush making an inference to Sadam in 89 being the next Hitler revisited. The same guy his dad was in bed with, the scams are all the same. I really liked his Vietnam coverage, he showed that McNamara really did have a conscience. His quote "We dropped more bombs in this war then all of WW2 and it still hasn't done a f ing thing" Everybody must watch the (Fog of War) McNamara goes into great detail about how nobody actually ever knew what they were fighting for on both sides even many years later. The Domino effect- the big war plan scam. As the American people got sickened by the actions of our government and high body counts coming back home this was the time to bring in Nixon who actually increased the bombing and the escalation of the Vietnam War. This led to him winning the peace prize are you kidding me? This is the world we live in and it still hasn't changed. I don't know where we would be right now without real Investigative Journalism- This country would be under the ocean  now steamrolled by thugs and tyrants. Real men like Fetzer, Duff, Veterans For Truth etc.. and all of the other truther spin offs have been able to slow down their take over plan, it is no longer a secret. In a world gone completely insane by Cartoon Clowns as Republican candidates combined with the Dylan Roofs and Adam Lanzas of this world let us all be grateful for the few and the proud real men left out there. Also Ken Okeefe that guy is for real. I heard his 2 hour interview the other day. He took care of business against some serious IDF Commandos and disarmed them and still showed restraint. He didn't kill them because he wanted to send a message. He had the moral high ground, let us honor our men that actually do the right thing for a change

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Men In Black

Israelis make the best spys, they have all the files that go way back. All of our foreign espionage fronts are backed by some heavy hitters. When the men in black come to your door to ask questions about a potential recruit that just happens to be your neighbor, friend or associate  they really are looking for the future players that might be able to "play ball"- Dr  Preston James explains they for at the very least want to recruit a narcissist. This will be perfect for them because then all the perks start coming their way. As long as they continue to have zip lock mouths then their extra curricular activities that they were set  up with and of course " was on tape wont be made public" If that doesn't work then they try the coolaide junkets with all local and federal leos- I talked to a cool aide junket guy he told me that we have to train to get ready for the bad guys who may infiltrate the US. We have some very weird people that were recruited into our intel agencies. Remember Robert Hanson? He was the FBI mole who had the highest level security clearance who was responsible for weeding out the bad guys in the FBI- it turned out he was the bad guy. Hanson was overlooked because of  9-11 a few months later however I read the book and saw the movie. I believe Chris Cooper did an accurate job in playing this Dracula moribund mole. Apparently our bad guy spys are triple agents for both Israel and Russia KGB- Jonathan Pollard etc I  have learned  a great deal by reading Gordons Duffs material.