Friday, February 13, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

9-11 Perps Americas Most Wanted

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

On The Ground At Amaranth I was born to protect and serve. My uncle was a sergeant in the NYPD during the American gangster Chinatown heroin days, he even went out to lunch with Paul Newman during the filming of Ft Apache the Bronx. He was a solid man with great character surrounded by 80% of the NYPD DEA who were eventually arrested for being on the take. He used to say the only difference between the cop and the criminal is the badge. He never took a dime illegally he was a member of the few and the proud. I take security seriously and I take it personally when slimy cowards use stolen tax payers money to stage false flag drills. There are lone wolf assassins, it is rare but they do exist. It appears to me that DC Sniper may have been legit however I have my doubts. That LAPD Manifesto with Dorner that was an obvious false flag. Watch out for those Manifestos Ted Kaczynski was more then likely a cia darpa asset. The mobsters better stop using their patsies because they are so blatantly obvious. It shows a desperate bunch of criminals who have done nothing but steal money, extort, drug deal and take out hits on people to be on their last legs that is why they are so sloppy. Lets face it they could make these events appear much more realistic if they were any good. I always study forensic criminology. I love it because I am a certified wanna be. However I always try to figure out what went wrong and what could be done better in the future. The GPD has a great pd the best in the country however in 93 there was a lone wolf assassin this is a heartbreaking story. I knew people who grew up with both the shooter and the victim. Andrew Wilson was allegedly sending psychotic letters to John Peters a classy man from back country Greenwich who was also a pilot that my father knew as well. It is heartbreaking because local law enforcement doesn't do 24/7 executive protection this is for private security only and unfortunately Law Enforcement really cant do anything until something actually happens. I lived a miserable stressed out life for a few years when my wife was getting stalked and generally harassed by unrealistic fantasy type loners and sometimes even by affable charming  men. Alot of powerful executives are not humble and exhibit narcissistic personality disorder type traits and sometimes wont quit until they accomplish their goal. I lived the life of an intel professional, I learned alot more by real world experience as opposed to books that I read or classes that I took. I was honored to get the call to a Hedge Fund during a major financial implosion. I ended up in jail because I live on the border however the highest compliment one can give is that they would trust you with their life money and thier wife especially during the worst and most stressful of times. I like many other intel professionals are disgusted by domestic false flag terrorism. I know their hands are tied because they are stuck in the system so my blogs speak for these warriors as well and nobody can tell me what I can write because this is the United States of America and my sources are real US intel. The brave warriors at VT have risked and dedicated their lives to our country. Being able to back real verified sources has been the highest honor of all. This helps when going up against foreign espionage dis info agents these people are as ruthless as they come. I am still upsetting my mother however I am a warrior that knows how bad the situation really is. If I didn't write about Jonathan Reichs false arrest on my blog would the average person who just watches CNN or the newspaper know anything at all? The answer is no that is why their needs to be huge anti trust Rico lawsuits against all main stream media outlets and there needs to be a lot of pressure placed on the owners from hiding important National Security Information from the American people. I will keep doing this and I know that in time the entire house of cards will implode. The brave VT warriors have been going after these protected entities for many years. This is the first time however that they hopefully have the full backing of the American people because too many people have already lost their lives. We need Gordon Duff in the white house I don't care how this is done as long as it is a legal non rigged election otherwise there is no hope for our future and this will be for many generations to come.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

William Shanley Trumped Up Charges

William Shanley went mia because the gangsters more then likely set him up with a trumped up charge- The oldest trick in the book. We need to bail out William Shanley and somehow someway prevent the gangsters from rigging another election. The only way these gangsters will ever go down is if Gordon Duff is running the show. I don't feel safe in my own country. I already had a breakdown at the end of the summer because I thought that they were going to take Wolf out. This is just as I learned that the lead investigator died in mysterious circumstances. I cant take any more abuse from these criminals- Anything that is good pure and noble they destroy or kill- demons from hell watch out because the intel cowboys are ready to roll-50k bail are you serious how much more obvious can they make it? Does anybody believe in these Free Mason leos paid to set people up? William Shanley may have a potential lawsuit for the false arrest alone. Jonathan Reich is going to sue for big money based on his false arrest. They put that innocent kid and his family through hell on earth. Why was Jonathan arrested and threatened he didn't break the law the ct state trooper even signed off on no further investigation needed

Monday, February 2, 2015

Daddy Bush And His Minions

Take These Perps Down I wake up in the middle of the night and I do my best to come to grips with what would have been avoided if our greatest President wasn't assassinated. I cried for days on end when I came to the realization of this fact as well as 9-11 my heart and soul were lost forever. 9-11 along with JFK put me in a severe depression because seriously can man really be that ruthless and cruel? I couldn't believe my heart and soul was damaged even further by coming to the realization that some people that I thought were leaders and role models born to protect and serve The United States of America were the very ones that were actually involved in the planning of the 9-11 False Flag micro nuke stand down that killed over 3000 Americans for starters. They didn't blow up the GW Bridge, Holland or Lincoln Tunnels but what if they did what would have happened if all of those cars went down into the Hudson River? Inst it bad enough that the cockroaches that planned the 9-11 False Flag ran for cover and the real heroes came in to make sense out of something that was simply beyond comprehension? Many brave warriors have cancer from these W-54 Davy Crockett micro nukes that were stolen out of Texas. Wasn't this the location near the fertilizer plant that blew up? Real security experts dedicate their life to Advance Work and Prevention to make sure that nothing bad ever happens  no matter what because when something does go wrong guess who gets the blame no matter what? There is hope for our future after all so please I urge all Americans to vote for Gordon Duff for president. A fierce Scottish warrior  a man that was "Born To Fight". It is difficult to explain to the average person what it is like to be a fierce Scottish Warrior however Braveheart is a perfect example. The Battle of Stirling Bridge- 1297 Scots 5 to 6 thousand Scottish warriors vs at least 9000 arrogant Brits. This is  how Scottish warriors roll there is no half measures it is all the way or absolutely no way at all. Robert the Bruce felt disgusted and sickened to his very soul when he had to betray William Wallace, this also put Wallace into some very ugly places as well. Warriors don't need to murder  innocent people and use the FBI to carry out their execution type killings or Arkansides. This is nothing more then a gangster dressed as a Fed pure and simple. This is nothing more then a flat out Sociopath that can get away with Arkansides and then run for cover backed by Classified National Secrecy. It is all a  scam a huge Ponzi Con. It more then likely started when they sunk the unsinkable Titanic in 1912. This made it easier to illegally hijack the Fed in 1913. We have been going down hill ever since.   The American people have been played for fools. The CIA and DHS and all 16 spook house Federal Agencies created after the Coup De Tat on 9-11-2001 are nothing more then a huge criminal gangster operation that has absolutely nothing to do with National Security. Its sole purpose is to cover up its horrific crimes and spy on honest Americans and try to legitimize torture. They use Mossad hit teams to kill anybody that get in their way. I knew bad things were in store when Long Term Capital blew up in Greenwich and sent shock waves into Wall Street and the Hedge Fund World. Hedge Funds and the Bernie Madoff types were in the incipient stages. It didn't take long for millions to turn into billions and then trillions. Let us never forget Enron and World Con. These were Companies that Bet on the Weather and made up Telecom Ponzi  schemes. Lies that sent thousands of innocent people running for cover and ruined for life. Burn Baby Burn Burn and  take out the power grid on the entire West Coast. Buy Baby Buy is what Kenny Boy Lay told everybody, his innocent shareholders as well as the American people. He said that it was a solid company with plenty of good solid earnings. I have learned that Paulson, Geitner, and Bernanke may not have been heroes after all. Jim Tucker was on the ground floor during the NWO Bilderberg annual con games they even tried to kill him once according to people that are in the know. He stated that a rigged market scenario is scheduled so everybody must prepare and run for cover. I will never forget- The Dust Bowl That Almost Was- Sept 2008 Dow what 6500 how much worse can it get then that? Lehman Brothers was too big to fail remember that one? However when the big wigs went down during the implosion Dick Fuld and his boys received plenty of Golden Parachutes to boot. Toxic traunches that were planned years in advance. I don't know what is in store for the markets in the near future the only thing I know for sure is that Skull And Bone Pirates and Gangsters stole trillions of dollars and were trying to extort Lee Wanta out of billions of dollars and they were also planning a hit unless he complied. These are Gangster Puppetmasters that own and control both sides of the House. The Republican and Democratic parties and much more. Is their any wonder why we have been exposed to phony, illegal, unprovoked, unconstitutional and unwinnable wars of aggression and rigged elections? Wanta was Reagan's Secret Agent, a genius with impeccable character. He is an American hero that helped take down the entire Soviet Union. He wants to revive the economy and pay off all of our pernicious diabolical debt, he is worth in excess of 30 Trillion Dollars. The OCC Organized Crime Cabal is about as ruthless and inhumane as one can possibly imagine however its been coming at us for many decades. They assassinated our Greatest President, his brother Bobby, Martin Luthur King and more then likely John Jr. because he was thinking about a NY Senate Seat and asking questions about his fathers death. They may have murdered our Prince and then they made it look as if Tim Osman aka Bin Laden a cia asset hijacked multiple jets and sent them into the Greatest Towers ever known. Buildings that were already vetted to withstand direct hits from ferocious airliners. They blamed the collapse on jet fuel and fires or some bull shit to that effect. Mossad wages wars "By Way Of Deception And Cover." They are slimy cockroaches, cowards and criminals. Krav Maga I will no longer practice this art of self defense. Then we have Senator McCain the father of ISIS saying bad things about how cruel and inhumane the UFC is. These proud and pure warriors were born to fight and never have or never would kill anybody inside the ring. Meanwhile Mccains father a US Navy Admiral that stood behind the USS Liberty False Flag cover up in 1967, how much worse can it get then this? McCain is A  Manchurian Candidate- We don't need any more MK Ultra Skull And Bones Pirate Con Games please haven't you disgusting cockroaches killed enough people and done enough to hurt our country? Don't we deserve  a fresh start? Steven Spielberg did you use your script in the Boston Marathon False Flag? Dr. Fetzer has sources  that seem to think so. I am sickened to my very soul that a man that created Saving Private Ryan the best war movie of all time may have his hooks into an illegal foreign espionage operation how much worse can it get then this?                                                                   p

Sunday, February 1, 2015