Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ct Get Ready For War CT. gun owners don't comply w/ these tyrannical laws- Ct used to be a great state remember the constitution state? Now unconstitutional laws based off of false flag scams that go all the way up to the highest levels of our govt- Let me tell you something I grew up in a house in back country Greenwich surrounded by a house w/ a real Rockefeller wall- I used to think that they were just rich pricks now I know they are also really diabolical eugenic alien freaks that are in bed w/ Gates Gore Soros and all of those other arrogant lying scumbags who want to kill people and reduce the population with a marshal law based eugenics scam but first you have to disarm this country good luck w/ that-Let me tell you something if you think you are the master race and the population should be drastically reduced then why don't you do everybody a favor and start offing yourself in massive droves because then this country would be a much happier and healthier place.You are not god and you have no right to dictate what the American peoples futures are while living in your agenda 21 free zone and enjoying your gmo free treats-Why aren't these alien freaks being brought up on charges of attempted murder? I saw the article w/ the nsa geeks thinking they were cool because they had the signint on honest Americans.Those geeks would never get far in the circles I roll with because real world guys do it the real way the honorable way and they have to pass physical and mental tests that the average nsa spy geek could only dream of passing. I also saw how Ct state police ransacked the home of a guy because he was in alcohol detox and they took all of his long guns are you kidding me?That means they have these spy geek trolls surfing the web doing exactly what Snowden blew the whistle on looking to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens. I am being straight out if you want a war then continue to take advantage of the American people you will soon see blow back from the decent respectful law abiding American people in a way that will be everybody worst fear but I will tell you what and I want this message to go to the highest of all heavens and to straight up above- the American people will never ever stand down

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