Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sweat More In Training Bleed Less in War

In my world I am not that interested in talking about Arods latest juice scandal. I will talk about important things like there are still 2 off line completely illegal black ops nukes out there and last week Obama said he was worried that Manhattan may get hit by a nuke. This past Oct 8 we all nearly got blown off the map and there was a 4.5 magnitude earthquake that went off 600 miles off the coast of Charleston SC. We train for real world scenarios like what happens during the next false flag and when COG and Marshal Law is implemented. I have a tremendous responsibility to keep all clients, family members and loved ones alive during the next bad situation. People sometimes tell me to calm down don't worry nothing bad is going to happen but we don't roll this way. In our circles we have to train incessantly and do continued war game scenarios over and over again and the worst case scenario is always first and foremost in simulation role playing iterations. Rest assured during the next real bad situation we wont be making believe and paying off pathetic crisis actors. With this comes alot of pressure because it looks like during cog we wont be able to get up in the air only on the ground so advance teams already have destinations lined up. Other then that there have been some positive things going on like the FBI dropping the Southern Poverty Law Center. They  also arrested some pathetic gun control advocate in Cal. This Sen is a perfect example of who the real enemy is. He was doing his best to disarm this country meanwhile he was taking bribes and kickbacks to fund  terrorist training camps. What more needs to be said about the science fiction Orwellian novel we are living in at this very moment? It is almost comical to blow the cover of our enemies and I am relieved that the FBI is stepping up their game in a big way to go after real bad guys. I cant tell you the level of disgust I have been feeling about the FBI JTTF. For the most part this was and is a con game fraud so please don't make believe we have Bin Laden spin offs that are going to hit us along w/American Patriots at any moment. Everybody in the system needs to step up because there is too much at stake and at this point morale and trust in any system is at an all time low. The good news is that the majority of all  intel agencies are 100% ready to roll during the next bad situation. This was the reason the nuke went off in the ocean and not on land. It looks like Dr Jim Garrow is paying a heavy price for his heroics, Apparantly rogue spooks are trying to kill him up in Canada

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Best Intel available

I had this link a few months ago when it was in Dr P s blog but this is a clear must to evaluate once again w/ precision and continued study- the best people in the world to investigate and comment on false flags are former military and law enforcement pros- sorry to burst your bubble Sandy Hook truthers w/ all of your sophomoric you tube videos and blogs you simply don't have the credibility or experience so nobody will ever really take you seriously- However I still do give you alot of credit for raising awareness and fighting the good fight.Please keep up the great work and awareness campaigns- you are still more awake then 97% of the American sheeple out there 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sandy Hook The Elaborate Drill  about-sandy-hook/   May 6 Wolfgang is going to Newtown. Are you thugs still going to arrest him and intimidate him ad infinitem  for doing his job as a solid American citizen and former state and federal leo? BATF inst so bad after all they had a solid source confirm that Nancy Lanza had no gun permit on record and their was no evidence of any training anywhere. How come they didn't call Lifestar they were wondering the same thing as well? If my kid was shot I would want multiple birds up in the air and on the ground asap. oh yes I forgot we are living in an Orwellian Science Fiction movie

9-11 Malaysian plane similarities?

False Flag Nuke on NYC?

DHS Training For Treason Dont worry about Naval Special Warfare guys buzzing Blackhawks in Fla those are the good guys. Its ok for Seals to do fast rope training w/ their Blackhawks all day and night long stateside. Believe me when I tell you nobody in those circles is too happy with what DHS is up to as of late and that is the understatement of the year Just out of curiosity when and how did DHS become their own self appointed fifth branch of the military? The coast guard is not even considered the fifth branch of the military and they really should be because they have some really solid people in that unit especially the coast guard rescue swimmers. They are as elite as they come and I would even go as far to say that if a force recon marine and a seal and a coast guard rescue swimmer were all dropped into the hellish ocean in horrific rip tides many miles from shore they would all be able to hang together to get the job done w/ out that much of a difference in skill level

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ct Get Ready For War CT. gun owners don't comply w/ these tyrannical laws- Ct used to be a great state remember the constitution state? Now unconstitutional laws based off of false flag scams that go all the way up to the highest levels of our govt- Let me tell you something I grew up in a house in back country Greenwich surrounded by a house w/ a real Rockefeller wall- I used to think that they were just rich pricks now I know they are also really diabolical eugenic alien freaks that are in bed w/ Gates Gore Soros and all of those other arrogant lying scumbags who want to kill people and reduce the population with a marshal law based eugenics scam but first you have to disarm this country good luck w/ that-Let me tell you something if you think you are the master race and the population should be drastically reduced then why don't you do everybody a favor and start offing yourself in massive droves because then this country would be a much happier and healthier place.You are not god and you have no right to dictate what the American peoples futures are while living in your agenda 21 free zone and enjoying your gmo free treats-Why aren't these alien freaks being brought up on charges of attempted murder? I saw the article w/ the nsa geeks thinking they were cool because they had the signint on honest Americans.Those geeks would never get far in the circles I roll with because real world guys do it the real way the honorable way and they have to pass physical and mental tests that the average nsa spy geek could only dream of passing. I also saw how Ct state police ransacked the home of a guy because he was in alcohol detox and they took all of his long guns are you kidding me?That means they have these spy geek trolls surfing the web doing exactly what Snowden blew the whistle on looking to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens. I am being straight out if you want a war then continue to take advantage of the American people you will soon see blow back from the decent respectful law abiding American people in a way that will be everybody worst fear but I will tell you what and I want this message to go to the highest of all heavens and to straight up above- the American people will never ever stand down

BP Was False Flag

Monday, March 17, 2014

Latest Wolfgang Interview w/ Alex Jones

Wolfgang stakes citezenship

Wolfgang is so convinced Sandy Hook was a false flag stage show hoax that he is staking his citizenship on this.The only way to get to the bottom is to get people to raise their right hand and he also said what I did a long time ago if people don't get locked up and be made accountable for their actions then the system is going to continue to break down.This may or may not be game over for the evil doers but let me explain how serious of a situation this is. All of the major shootings in this country dating back to Columbine have been false flags. I urge all Americans to do some research on Project Monarch.This is the MK Ultra mind control program that comes straight out of Jason Bournes script. Wolfgang was on the ground in Columbine and what he saw was horrifying. A false flag doesn't have to be a complete stage show obviously because it looks like in Sandy Hook nobody died and I ultimately came to that conclusion fairly early on. There were up to 60 witnesses in Columbine who saw another shooter and their were some allegations that the 2 shooters were sex abuse victims from cops. It is sick and twisted and goes down so ugly and deep that most people cant go down that demonic rabbit hole so they would rather stick with denial. The Navy Yard shooting and ,Virginia Tech has black ops false flag written all over it and their may be some links to the Ft Hood mass shooting in Texas where that muslim shrink was the patsy.If that weren't bad enough some evidence points to some evil doers at the very top robbing Ft Hood blind of gold etc and using the false flag as the distraction.So not only are they trying to disarm this country they are trying to rob everybody blind inst that a big surprise. Lets see what else do we have the mk ultra James Homes.I knew something wasn't right w/ that one because after doing my tactical analysis I said how the hell would the tactical teams be on the scene in 90 seconds?GPD has the best swat team in the state and one of the best leos in the country and if we had a hostage situation at the hedge fund I worked at it would have taken maybe 7 or 8 minutes before they could arrive.I don't care that the movie was down town swat guys don't drive around in their gear because most are regular cops but when they do get the call they suit up put on their gear and then get the job done. These false flags are reckless and sloppy because secret service was completely out of their jurisdiction during the Boston marathon false flag and they were trying to shake down and intimidate a real reporter who was asking real questions.The fbi flat out executed the mma friend of the patsies and he knew it was coming and the only reason we know this since the autopsy report was suspiciously classified was because a friend of the victim took pics and sent them to his father and he saw first hand this execution style carnage. Let me tell you something you cant kill everybody and it now may be game over because Wolfgang made that very clear.The American people are not going to tolerate terrorism on our soil by scaring the shit out of everybody and then trying to disarm honest Americans while robbing everybody blind with your tear jerking fraudulent charities. Did you hear that United Way we are going to find out all about your fund raisers set up in advance because alot of powerful people who don't get intimidated very easily are disgusted with what you tried to get away with. This country has been hijacked by criminal elements on every level how else can one describe how they pulled off Sandy Hook? I read an article about this Newtown cop who had to retire because of ptsd and what he witnessed at Sandy Hook. Let me tell you something you are a disgrace to anybody that ever wore a uniform you are weak and pathetic because I know alot of real world guys that have real ptsd from what they saw and did overseas and their are many great leos stateside like Wolfgang who saw alot of ugly things as a Fla state trooper and at Columbine etc. and their are many more standing right behind him who have no mercy for cowards who make believe they saw little children that were slaughtered 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Gun Control Rally

I am seriously getting more disturbed every day watching and reading about gun control rallys. Blumenthal I have alot of respect for you but i hope you didnt know about the Sandy Hook scam in advance. You are a great leader you gave me a solid reference for the Naval officer reserve intel program and you actually called me back when I had some ideas about how to get some of our guys into Haiti during the earthquake. You also are a great athlete and an avid runner so I seriously dont think you would be in on that hoax like Malloy and Bloomberg. The following is a greenwich time articlettp://