Friday, December 27, 2024

Press Release

  1. Based on primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents that have been revealed through court order, the Pfizer Papers have revealed that the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA clinical trial was DEEPLY FLAWED; that Pfizer knew from November 2020 that the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" was not safe or effective; knew from February 2021, that Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause various serious side effects including death; knew from April 2021 that Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause damage to the hearts of young people;- Behind the FDA curtain- Pfizer Papers

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

PCR Test Fraud

PCR samples for Sars 2 Coronavirus were manufactured to simulate what “experts” thought the virus genome would look like based on similar coronaviruses. 90 percent false positive

The ‘Gold Standard’ for isolating and identifying microbes are referred to as Koch’s and Rivers Postulates which was established many years ago for isolating bacteria (Koch) or Viral (Rivers) postulates. (SOTN)

Sunday, December 15, 2024


According to the evidence collected by Martin, Moderna’s patent for the Covid mRNA Spikevax vaccine prototype was patented and registered in March 2019, that is, 9 months before the discovery of the first outbreak and almost a year before the WHO declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020. (Veterans Today Fabio)

This is all the more true when the intervention is experimental and lacks long-term safety data, as is the case with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against COVID-19. The FDA authorized the two vaccines for widespread emergency use based on just two months of clinical trial data». The hardcore scientific evidence piling up on the damage to the heart, the increase in blood clots, strokes and turbo cancer among even young people and children is overwhelming now. The momentum of all this lowdown truth and its criminality  perpetrated by the makers of the pandemic and vaccines is undergoing a major public sea change now that eventually will lead to criminal indictments of those responsible for millions of injuries and deaths worldwide- Joachim Hagopian

Friday, December 13, 2024

Cover Up

During the clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer appears to have hidden two deaths — including one in Kansas — which researchers allege would have revealed potentially dangerous side effects to the vaccines.

Over the last year and a half, a team of researchers — volunteering for The Daily Clouta non-profit news outlet — including physicians, a businessman, and a former United States Army Intelligence officer poured through thousands of pages of documents relating to the study and found that Pfizer had failed to report the deaths of two women — one in Kansas and one in Georgia — during the trial.

Not only did they fail to report them, but they had—in fact—apparently actively covered them up. (Daily Clout)