Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Stand Strong

Police say they’re having trouble identifying suspects who target stores because they’re wearing masks. They are now urging store owners to be proactive in the crime fighting effort. “We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said. (Jeff Childers blog-) Jeff also talks about case law going back to 1995 when the courts knew it was a ridiculous idea to wear masks inside a courtroom- Only criminals would think of a scam where we all had to dress up and look like criminals and then attempt to normalize this- Our entire world has been turned up side down by crime syndicates hiding behing government acronyms- NIH /WHO /CDC This is the reason I said no to jury duty during the height of all of this garbage- Only corrupt individuals would have people wearing muzzles during exercise and then arresting gym ownwers who didnt comply- We will always remember the leaders who didnt stand down and comply w/ nonsensical corrupt orders- That would be Jillian and Mike Carnavelle- These two brave warriors are a husband and wife gym owner team- They said no I am not going to force my clients to wear masks- So for making the sane descision they were arrested multiple times at least Mike twice I believe Jillian once- Forcing people to exercise w/ a mask on should be a crime in itself- Like that high school girl all american times definitely d-1 if not beyond running a 2 06 in the 800- w a muzzle on and then passes out at the finish line. She was deprived of the necesary oxygen to run the race- While Jillian and Mike were standing strong there were the scychophantic compliers who sent videos of how their clients were exercising w/ masks and how it wasnt that bad. What a horrible example of what we needed during that time- It wont be long before Jillian and Mike take the Zoo in north palm beach to the next level- Its pretty bad in America nobody was ever held accountable for egregious crimes so this is what we have- LASD gangbang criminals actually working for the sheriff dept- Real gang members what pathetic leadership- criminals going after criminals- A sad state of affairs w/ in our corrupt bannana republic called America where no real big shots still to this date were ever taken down-