Thursday, February 23, 2023

Only The Dead

Mick Ware in Iraq- fraud reasons to invade a countrty- Smug Potus at his black tie gala stating no wmds to be found as if the entire thing was some kind of joke. He probaly knew about no wmds in advance- If you are going to go to war do it one country at a time you dont try two especially with conventional troops during non draft peacetime- Iraq and Afghnastan were both unwinnable but did alot of damage to alot of people- I believe that Bremer intentionaly created the insurgancy by firing the Republican guard- They didnt underestimate the resistance they knew it would be there all along- Roadside bombs and a living hell for our troops- If they didnt want to perpetuate the military industrial complex Iraq would have been conquered in a couple of months maybe a couple of years- Tulsi Gabbard stated that world war 3 is unwinnable just like iraq and Afghanastan was

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Bill Of Particulars

The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they turn inexorably. Jeff Childers- Tulsi was getting interogated by Hannity about her position of Ukraine and if we should render aid militarily- Hannity Reagan and Trump doctrine- Pinpoint accuracy getting rid of bad guys etc-The only problem is that many American drone strikes havent had pin point accuracy- I dont know if its true but double tapping first responders after a drone strike is quite nefarious The problem w/ Hannity is that he still believes in Americas exceptionalism and moral high ground positions- After Vietnam there was no moral high ground for America- They followed that w/ Iraq Afghanastan not so good- I may read Brian Steltars book about how palsy waslsy Trumpian is w/ Hannity and others- Dr Peter Bregin has an entire chapter Bill Of Particulars- He told Alex Jones that this jab is not a vaccine at all-spike protein etc.- its not looking that great for all of the people and companies involved