Thursday, November 3, 2022

Marshal Law

I will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of the fire-Mi Sun- I had a dream- It was Marshal Law-I was rolling around in a Grizzly type tactical vehicle that was bigger but picked up trash- It was curfews and chaos- the globalists were really picking up steam- We picked up a homeless person and talked about how f ed up the world became. Their were sirens and whirling winds- Sometimes the homeless can give you better intel then some green screen scud stud from cnn- Kind of like Mick Ware rolling w/ the big boys overseas and outside of the wire- If you show any type of cowardice or fear then the big boys wouldnt want you to roll w/ them-anymore-Ware was fearless- Anyway I had an appointment w/ my sponsor but he said dont worry run w/ it spread your wings dont worry about being late- When I finally got there I told him that I figured out why I used to run so much ie marathons the whole 9- I told him that not only dont I need to run anymore I dont need to look for love- That is because I am love