Friday, January 3, 2020

Radicals Resistance and Revenge

I am not a leaker nor a liar but I may be a liberal- Radicals Resistance Revenge- Cardinal Comey and the deep state manipulators- If what the judge states is true that means that people should have been in orange jump suits a long time ago
  Potus Trump may have done the right thing with Eddie Gallager- For starters seals are tight knit symbiosis creative intelligence, most units function as one- For fellow seals to speak out to me meant that something was seriously wrong-  Something is seriously wrong because the seal who claimed gal lager stabbed the boy in the neck confessed to being the real killer- This taints the entire case.
  I wasn't buying the claim that the reason why the seals blew the whistle was because gallager was too much of a disciplinarian and was too tough- When seals get to that level they have already arrived, this isn't pre buds indoc status-
  The one person who's story hasn't changed and his name is Nick Slatten- bw contractor convicted of murder- (Biden 4 political victims-) That entire case seems to have been contaminated and corrupted by the deep state- fbi came on the scene way after Iraqi investigators were on the scene- Not only that one of the other contractors admitted to being the shooter how and why is Slatten locked up