Friday, October 31, 2014

Plausible Denial- Use Of Drills

Was it a coincidence that there was a SWAT drill the day before the Marysville Washington school shooting? A drill the day before by the exact same pd? Drills are what are known as "the signature" for false flag events. In a world where everything is believable and nothing is knowable also makes it easier to pull something off if something doesn't exactly go as planned. In a ramped up federalized police state training is just part of everyday business. Plenty of federal grants to pay people off to look the other way is also a way to act on the fly when somebody decides that a particular drill may go live. It makes it a dangerous place to be around when nobody really knows what is going on. Sandy Hook had drills going off all over the state in the days leading up to it, there was even one on the calendar in another district that same day if I am not mistaken. The name of the game is to control the narrative, that is why only a select few puppet masters really know what is about to go down. NORAD had a major drill on 9-11 to prepare for exactly what happened. Remember "is this real world or exercise" How can our leaders play us for such fools by stating nobody ever would or could have imagined those evil terrorists to do what they did. Who said that Condy? Who cares they are all pathological liars that have been praying on the naiveté of the American people for years. Operation Northwood had a 9-11 NWO type event planned out since the JFK days, he vehemently rejected to that kind of insanity, unfortunately he didn't last too long after that.     

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ottawa Shooting False Flag?

It looks suspicious- Hours before the shooting BBC reported that Canada raised the terror threat. (Control The Narrative)- Directly after the shooting the (RCMP) Mounties urged the public not to post any photos or videos of the event. The Boston Marathon False Flag where crisis actors looked like hero's by training for and then crossing the finish line this past April was a real awakening for the masses- One can observe how its getting harder to pull off these false flags due to public awareness

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wolfgang Meets Oathkeepers

Friday, October 3, 2014

False Flag Weekly News Cameron is a clown and should retire. Truthers and dissenters should be dealt with as harshly as ISIS? What a joke these establishment mouthpieces are. Do us a favor Bill Oreilley and all of you sell outs don't you ever insult the integrity and Patriotism of Dr. Jim Fetzer because he is smarter then all of you, he is also  a former Officer in the USMC. Oreilley called Fetzer a quack or traitor or something to that effect. No- the real traitors are the weaklings that are bought and sold to tell the masses lies and to spread dis info however this wont go un noticed when judgement day finally arrives. Russian intel as well as Snowden have  plenty of information in regard to 9-11 did you hear that Bill Oreilly and Cameron? Gordon Duff knows all about this and he is a leader of the clan Macduff. I trust him with my life. We Scotsman know how to drink and we know how to fight and we also know how to tell the truth because we aren't cowards and criminals like many of the sell outs out there.