Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Derivative Bombs


Sunday, May 25, 2014

MK Ultra Androgeny


Thursday, May 15, 2014

DHS Hard At Work


The Real Spy Agenda


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cia in Ukraine


Friday, May 2, 2014

War Of The Worlds

I swore an oath the day I was born my love for god and country comes before my wife and family. I am putting this one all out on the table because who knows what may happen tomorrow. We have an ugly war going on between the Patriots vs evil globalists. This one is an all out street brawl and it looks like nobody is taking any prisoners. Warriors are the only ones that know how to deal with pure evil because we can see it coming from miles away remember the emperor has no clothes. Saving and protecting lives is a calling from way up above,  it is the highest honor one can possibly bestow, like the oath to the US Constitution I take this seriously. We are fighting against an alien code  filled with lies and cowardice hell bent on death destruction and pillage. It is a ruthless enemy that keeps coming at us at 100 mph and we all know that eugenic freaks want to play god and anybody that gets in the way will be run over abused and they will attempt to wipe us all out any way they can, in their world the more dead the better. It is all hidden in plain view, it is all about mass depopulation. These Jacobites are filled  with satanic call signs and diabolical plots because the mind game end game agenda 21 is definitely not a pretty picture for any of us I can assure you of this. Its easy for a NWO rich cult member who doesn't know what its like to protect a life or how to save a life or how to take out the enemy if need be to have their puppet master send out our warriors  out into the deepest darkest and ugliest places to do their dirty work to continue to get in harms way because they never had to this themselves because they all have been too busy getting rich off of other peoples misery by causing death and destruction. Aliens like Soros and the Bilderbergs finance wars on both sides so they don't care how long and ugly the wars are because he and their  Nazi collaborators profit no matter what. Hegelian Dialectic Problem Reaction Solution and Denial Distraction Deception, it is all about the fog of war Von Clauwitz the Prussian General, Hitlers Holocaust was just a beta test site for what they have been planning since the last American Revolution. They were able to take out Napoleon at Waterloo (1815) but Rothschild had a spy on the ground who came back with a rumor that Britain lost which sent the markets way down only to be be bought back up with pennies on the pound when the real news came back to the home front thus an evil empire was born. Many WW2 Parat troopers at 18 years old barely survived the beaches of Normandy, Omaha some went off to Korea a few years later and the lucky ones that made it out alive arrived in Vietnam at 38 years oid for the very first battle of Iadrang.  This was their third war and they never complained because these brave warriors swore an oath to the United States Constitution. We were soldiers once and young described what these warriors had to endure and once that blood bath was over everybody knew that Vietnam was going to be long miserable and very ugly. Most of these three war heroes never made it out of this very first real battle so please let us never ever forget these brave Americans. Those boys were sent out to the jungle after the evildoers blew JFKs head off because he vehemently rejected to Operation North wood. The Joint Chief of staff proposed a plan to shoot up innocents in the street as well as to take out planes in the sky just like on 9-11 and he wanted to use this as a false flag pretext for war to invade Cuba. Johnson knew all about the death of one of our greatest presidents because he was on the ground floor with the assassination plot to take him out because he couldn't wait to initiate the false flag Gulf of Ton kin and then a few years later the failed false flag on the USS Liberty. He wanted to perpetuate the globalist agenda of no warrior code or empathy so he had Israel bomb our mother ship and he was trying  to blame this on Egypt. Since he was an evil war pig hell bent on the globalist path toward world wide hegemony  he definitely wanted that god dam ship to sink to the bottom. It doesn't matter what they pull because I will tell you what if they hit our country with a false flag mini nuke or if they start shooting up malls or hit us with an electromagnetic pulse cyber attack we will be ready to roll. Our warriors are beat up bad and they are flat out tired from multiple back to back operational deployments but everybody will see how quickly they wake up when the globalists launch their false flag and then have the audacity to blame it on an American Patriot Group. These pathetic individuals didn't have much luck recruiting them out into specialized DHS units that would turn them into homeland killing machines designed to take out Americans with no rules of engagement so this is going to make our enemies life quite miserable if they are dumb enough to start a civil war. It doesn't matter what they hit us with bio weapons Russian and Israelis already dressed in US Uniforms Nato blue hat scum, foreign third world mercenary units already trained to go house to house to take out innocent gun owners and to confiscate their weapons and start their round up good look with that one. Let me tell you something the American Patriots will rise to this occasion and these warriors will send a message that will never ever be forgotten. They will act like crazed devil dogs and they will never ever stop killing the enemy. They will honor all of our warriors that went down and who have fallen before over the years  and they will never stop coming and they will be hidden in places just as deep and dark as where they were overseas. We are talking about Asymmetrical warfare hand to hand etc, they are highly skilled in the art of war, real men don't enjoy killing people but our enemies will unequivocally regret the day they were ever born. William Wallace didn't become a crazed dog until they slit the throat of his wife and killed off most of his family but I will tell you what these evil globalists will see blow back like none other if they have the audacity to launch a false flag and then blame this on an American Patriot group because everybody right now is locked in tight and ready to roll and they are in full battle rhythm mode. I don't think our warriors are intimidated by some militarized DHS Fema boys that have never been in deep dark and ugly places overseas. DHS has over 2 billion rounds of hollow point which is against the rules of the Geneva Convention and they definitely arent being used for target practice so please scumbags stop lying to the American people and start telling the truth. 2700 MRAPS big deal that will give our warriors even more reason to take them all out with ruthless aggression. We don't start wars we finish them so I strongly advise our enemies to find another profession because there is no worse sin in my homeland then to have enemy foreign troops on our soil that are trained with hostile intent toward the  innocent American people with targets of women and children.  Our warriors know all about your Fema camps, reeducation centers meant to exterminate innocents and all of the American coffins purchased by Halliburton that were paid for well in advance. An ugly civil war that will be the new American Revolution may  very well be needed but without question our Republic will be restored and the diabolical New World Order mind game end game objective will never be fulfilled. Many Patriots will go down as hero's but the end result will be the same, the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants. Thomas Jefferson .

Fbi JTTF Terror Fraud


CIA Drug Running And Wall Street


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Justice Dept Gun Scam
